7th European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky
Bled, 5-6 October 2007      
last update: 5 October 16:50

4th October	Registration
			Triglav National Park, Ljubljanska cesta 27, Bled
From 16:00 until 22:00				

5th October	Registration
			Triglav National Park, Ljubljanska cesta 27, Bled
From 7:00 until 8:20     !!!! PLEASE DO NOT BE LATE !!!!	

5th October		Morning Session Leader Robert L. Gent


Opening ceremony           9:00		(media will join here and tape here)
Robert L. Gent	16 min		General introduction about light pollution
Dr. Matjaž Ravnik	12 min		Light Pollution and Global Warming
Dr. Andreas Haenel	12 min		Light Pollution in past 50 and next 50 years
Dr. Tomaž Zwitter	12 min		Glare, Safety and Eldery People
Dr. Jan Hollan		10 min		Light, Safety and Security
Dr. Tomi Trilar	12 min		Light Pollution and Biodiversity 
Break  15 min 	(1st part   70 min)

Klemen Španinger	12 min		Importance of night darkness and diseases 
(sleep, fat, diabetes, cancer)
Tom Webster		10 min		Solutions: Bad and Good luminaires, excesive lighting
Dr. Jan Hollan		7   min		Light goes up to 200 km, dark reservates are wrong solution
Robert L. Gent 	7   min 	Zero emission upwards does NOT mean more luminaires
Andrej Mohar		10 min		It's so simple, but… (light pollution laws and EU Directive)
2nd part		(2nd part  46 min)
Program continues without break
Novigrad got 1st award 			       a few words by Mayor of Novigrad
Italy adpoted two new laws			       a few words by Bonata, Falci, Di Guisto  
Slovenia adopted Light Pollution Law	mag. Radovan Tavzes, direktor, Direktorate for Environment, 
Ministry for Environment and Spatial Planning
Initiative for EU Directive on Light Pollution     Lojze Peterle, MEP			
How EU is going to solve LP problem?	       dr. Miroslav Ouzky, MEP, President of ENVI
Continues without break with questions by press/media	15 min
Morning session will end at 12:30		The End for Press/Media
5th October	Afternoon Session Leader Dr. Andreas Hänel

										Time (min)
14:00	High Quality Architectural Lighting with 1 cd/m2 limits			25
Prof. Pietro Palladino, Lighting management and consulting, Milano, Italy

CO2 Relighting
Laura Cinquarla, iGuzzini illuminazione S.p.A., 62019 Recanati (MC) Italy	20

A Rationale for the Mandatory Limitation of Outdoor Lighting		15
Barry A. J. Clark, PhD, Director, Outdoor Lighting Improvement Section
Astronomical Society of Victoria Inc., Australia
Presented by Dr. Jan Hollan

Light Pollution Monitoring in Slovenia						15
Herman Mikuž, University of Ljubljana, Faculty for Mathematics and Physics,
Èrni Vrh Observatory, Dark Sky Slovenia , Slovenia

Elaboration of Guidelines to Reduce Light Emissions
Stefano Klett, Dark-Sky Switzerland						15

15:30 	Coffee break										25

15:55	Global Light Pollution Laws- A Review						20
Martin Morgan-Taylor , Principal Lecturer, School of Law, DeMontfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom.  

The 5 Goals of Lombardy Law and Eight Subsequent Laws			20
Dr. Diego Bonata, Cielo Buio Italy

Minos System – Energy Savings in Public Lighting				20		
Piero Cecchini, President of UMPI electronica s.r.l., Cattolica, Italy

RGB Radiometry and Photometry by Using DSLR Camera			10
Dr. Jan Hollan, Czech Republic

Measuring Light Pollution with a Calibrated High Dynamic Range 		10
All-Sky Image Acquisition System
Georg Zotti, Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms Vienna University of Technology

17:35 End of session

18:30	Bus trip from Triglav National Park to have astronomical observations at one of the darkest place 
in Europe (bus excursion in case of bad weather). Meeting point in front of Triglav National Park building. 
Please don’t be late!

7th European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky

6th October	Morning Session Leader Dr. Tomaž Zwitter

9:00 	Dark Sky as World Heritage – Natural, Cultural and Spiritual Aspects	20
Marjeta Keršiè – Svetel, Mountain Wilderness Slovenia, Slovenia		

Observing the Disappearing Firmament.						15
Public Participation Light Pollution Estimates and Continuous Measurements 
of the Total Sky-Brightness with a New Low Cost Luxmeter
Dr. Günther Wuchterl, Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, Kuffner-Sternwarte, 
IDA Austria, André Müller, 
Max Planck Institut für Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany

Light Pollution Laws of Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia			10
Alessandro Di Giusto, Cielo Buio, Italy

Measurements and Modeling of Light Pollution at the Zselic Dark Sky Preserve
Dr. Zoltán Kolláth, Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary			10

Architectural Light with Low Environmental Impact				10
Dr. Diego Bonata, Cielo Buio Italy

Lighting Design From Dusk Till Dawn						15
Veronica Monheim, ERCO Leuchten GmbH, Germany

Modelling Differences in Skyglow in Rural Areas from Common Luminaire Designs
Dr Chris Baddiley, Scientific Advisor to the British Astronomical 		15
Association’s Campaign for Dark Skies, UK

10:35	Coffee break										25

11:00	The Dancing Sky: 6 Years of Night Sky Observations at ESO-Paranal	20
Ferdinando Patat, European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere, Garching  Germany

Siteco Credo: Light quality for pollution control					20
Peter Schmidt, Director Sales Outdoor Lighting, 
SITECO  Beleuchtungstechnik GmbH, Germany

Toxic Light at Night; How to Make Lighting Harmless to Human Health 	10
Dr. Jan Hollan, Czech Republic

Light Planning and Energy Management						15
Dr. Diego Bonata, Cielo Buio Italy

EuP for Light, Good or Bad for Reducing Light Pollution in Europe		10
Friedel Pas, International Dark-Sky Association, Belgium

Lighting and Security – Statistics and their Interpretation 			5
Dr. Andreas Hänel, Museum am Schölerberg, Osnabrück, Germany

Results of Light Pollution Monitoring of Istria Peninsula, Croatia		10
Dr. Željko Andreiæ1, Petra Korleviæ, Mirna Kramar, Doroteja Andreiæ, 
Ana Bonaca and Korado Korleviæ, Višnjan Education Center, Istarska 6, 51463 Višnjan, Croatia, 
1permanent adress: Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Institute of 
Mathematics, Informatics and Descriptive Geometry, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

12:30	Break for lunch

6th 	October		Afternoon Session Leader Dr. Jan Hollan

14:00 	Light Pollution in European Protected Areas					10
Dr. Andreas Hänel, Museum am Schölerberg, Osnabrück, Germany

Sky Brightness Measuring Methods						10
Daniela Klotz and Franz Kerschbaum, Institut fur Astronomie der Universitat Wien, Austria

The Impact of Light Pollution on Insects						15
Dr. Tomi Trilar, Natural History Museum of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia 

Bats and Light Pollution								15
Alenka Petrinjak1,2 & dr. Maja Zagmajster2
1Triglav National Park, Bled, Slovenia
2SDPVN - Slovenian Association for Bat Research and Conservation, Ljubljana, Slovenia

STS-Easy Light Software and High Performance in Street Lighting 		10
Dr. Fabio Falchi, Dr. Diego Bonata, Cielo Buio Italy

Recent Progress on the 2nd World Atlas of Night Sky Brightness		10
Dr. Fabio Falchi, Cielo Buio Italy

Italian Situation and CieloBuio Projects for the Future				10
Dr. Diego Bonata, Cielo Buio Italy

15:20	Coffee break										25

15:45   A Territory Control in Frosinone to Respect Regional Law 23/2000		10
Dr. Mario Di Sora, President IDA Italian Section, 
VP Unione Astrofili Italiani Campo Catino Astronomical Observatory , Italy

A Protocol Between Amateur Astronomers and Luminaire Manuf. in Italy 	5
Dr. Mario Di Sora, Head of Light-Pollution Committee Unione Astrofili Italiani, 
President IDA Italy

Energy Saving and Light Pollution Results in Italy				10
Dr. Diego Bonata, Cielo Buio Italy

An International Travelling Exhibition on Light Pollution for the IYA 2009 	5
Dr. Andreas Hänel, Norbert Niedernostheide, Museum am Schölerberg, 
Osnabrück, Germany

Brussels Meeting									5

Light pollution regulation in Spain: present situation and prospects		10
Carlos Herranz, Cel Fosc - Asociación contra la Contaminación Lumínica, Spain

Preserving the Night Skies -- an IDA Update					10
Robert L. Gent, President, Board of Directors, 
International Dark-Sky Association, USA

IDA Awards										5

8th European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky			5

16:45	The end of the conference

17:15	Optional GUIDED trip by boat to Bled Island  - meeting point in front of Casino Bled, 
near lake  (10 euros per person for boat plus 3 euros entrance fee for church)

19:00  Banquet, farewell dinner at Astoria hotel    (please check if you are already booked)

7th October	Sunday 	optional private excursion and astronomical observation in mountains
	Please check possibilities at Saturday’s banquet, because it depends on weather 