Še primer empirične enačbe za izračun Tem_mokri (Tw) iz vlage in Tem_suhega
termometra - velja za kraje
blizu nivoja 0 nad morjem (za tlak 1013.25 hPa oz. blizu).
Na intervalu -20°C do +50°C in vlagi od 5% do 99%, je
Povprečna absolutna napaka manj kot 0.3 °C,
raztros pa je na območju od -1 °C do +0.65 °C.
Spodaj je primer za T=20°C in RH=50%
Še enačba za excel, polje A2 je Tem., B2 pa vlaga:
= A2*ATAN(0.151977*POWER((B2+8.313659);1/2)) + ATAN(A2 + B2) - ATAN(B2 - 1.676331) + 0.00391838*POWER((B2);3/2)*ATAN(0.023101*B2) - 4.686035
Regression method
Gene-expression programming (GEP) was themethod
used to find a best-fit function to the data. GEP (Ferreira
2006) is an efficient variant of genetic programming, in
which candidate functions evolve through various forms
of mutation and compete by a computational natural
selection until the fittest candidate (with the lowest verification
error) is found.