Stereoscopic Animated Hypercube

screen shot

A Higher Dimensional Universe? Astronomy Picture of the Day
Mark's Newbold's Java Stuff !!!!

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day, April 18, 2001
JARS TOP 1%, July 1996
(S/N B080731-2)
Gamelan Featured Applet, May 1996
Java-SIG's Best 100 Applets

How to See It

If your browser supports Java, you should see an animated image above (generated by a Java applet embedded on the page). Otherwise, you should see a static image.
If you are viewing with 3D glasses, make sure that your browser isn't using "dithered" colors. In Netscape, you can change this using the "Options" menu, General Preferences, Images--choose "Automatic" or "Substitute Colors". Those with mild color-blindness may have trouble seeing the image.

The User Interface

Start/Stop Button
The Start/Stop button starts/stops the applet's rotation thread. The button label switches from "Start" to "Stop" as appropriate.
Detach/Attach Button
The Detach Button detaches the applet from the Web page and places the applet in its own frame window. You can resize the frame window or maximize it to fill the entire screen. Once the applet has been detached, the button label changes to "Attach" and clicking the button causes the applet to re-attach to the Web page.
Speed Control
The Speed Control varies the speed of the animation in a range of 1 through 100 (arbitrary units). Click on the "+" button to increase the speed. Click on the "-" button to decrease the speed. Above a certain point, increasing the speed will have no effect due to your computer's limitations.
Projection Control
The Projection Control varies the viewpoint distance for Projection from 4D onto 3D. The range is 0 through 95 in steps of 5. A setting of 0 gives an infinitely distant viewpoint (orthogonal projection). High settings give a "fish-eye" effect.
Stereo Button
The "Stereo" button cycles through these 3 viewing modes:
Manual Rotation
To rotate the image in 3-space, click on the Hypercube panel and drag the mouse with the mouse button held down. To rotate in 4-space, hold down the shift key before you click and drag. With repeated application of these 2 types of rotation, you can achieve any desired 4-space orientation of the Hypercube.

Hypercube Info

What is It?
You are looking at the projection of a 4-dimensional Hypercube onto 3 dimensions. A Hypercube is a generalization of a 3-dimensional cube to 4 or more dimensions. A 4-dimensional Hypercube is also called a Tesseract. The above Hypercube is randomly tumbling in its 4-dimensional space. Note that four edges meet at each vertex of the Hypercube. These edges are all mutually perpendicular in 4-dimensional space.
The human mind does not work well with more than 3 dimensions. The easiest approach is to extend what you know from lower-dimensional spaces: In a computer program, each vertex of the Hypercube is represented by 4 coordinates.

Program Notes

Projection from 4D onto 3D
Just as a 3-dimensional cube can be projected onto 2-dimensions cube (a flat picture of a cube), a 4-dimensional cube can be projected onto 3-dimensions. Rays are traced in 4-space from a viewpoint at (0,0,0,w0), through each vertex of the object (which is centered at (0,0,0,0)), to a 3-space located at w=0. The viewpoint distance w0 can be changed using the applet's Projection Control. A setting of 0 gives infinite w0 (orthogonal projection). A setting of 1.0 (not allowed) would have the viewpoint touching the hypersphere that is traced out by the object's vertices. To be precise, the Projection Control setting is the square of (R/w0) where R is the radius of the hypersphere traced out by the object's vertices and w0 is the viewpoint distance from the origin.
Stereoscopic 3D
The Red/Blue stereoscopic image is constructed by ray-tracing. We trace a ray from each eye through each vertex (in 3D) to a point on the 2-dimensional plane of the screen. Then we connect those points with lines in the 2-dimensional plane, using Red lines for the left eye's rays and Blue lines for the right eye's rays. Click here for the mathematical details.

Other Hypercube Links

September 28, 1997: Thanks to Jens for diagnosing a Color problem which was preventing the applet from working with browsers using JDK 1.1.
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