Moon position

[ root ]

Type in the UT date and click the 'calculate' button. This Javascript page will then calculate the apparent geocentric position of the Moon, including corrections for nutation and light travel time, good to about 10 arcsec in longitude.

This page is based on series and formulas from Jean Meeus' book Astronomical Algorithms, and some of the Javascript code was adapted from the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Moon page by Arkkana Peck.

Save this page to your hard drive for offline use. Load the file into a text editor to see and modify the JavaScript code.

Input UT Date
Dates assumed to be in Gregorian calendar. Time should be TDT, but UT is close enough.

Moon positions (geocentric)
Longitude (Deg) / RA (Hrs) :
Latitude / Dec (Deg) :
Distance (Km) :

This page was created with Edit Pad Hacked together by: Keith Burnett [ please report any problems with the script ]
Original location:
Last modified: 23 February 2000