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Kdo brska po tej Niti:   1 Anonimnih uporabnikov

Splošna pravila v linuxu
Skrbnik strani
9/6/2004 23:08
Objave: 63
Nivo : 6; EXP : 82
HP : 0 / 145
MP : 21 / 577
Delo s kozolo

Lastništvo datotek, tipi in atributi

Če izvedemo ukaz ls -l dobimo naslednji zpis na ekranu (opis ukaza bo opisan kasneje):

drwx------ 4 sloreactor mail 1024 Oct 14 15:22 Mail/
-rw-rw-rw- 1 sloreactor Admin 20356 Feb 18 22:01 imenik.txt
drwxrwxrwx 3 sloreactor Smod 1024 Sep 12 23:55 www/
drwxrwxrwx 1 sloreactor Smod 1024 Sep 12 23:56 ftp/

* Prvi stolpec vsebuje 10 atributov:

Prvi znak pomeni tip datoteke in sicer poznamo več tipov datotek v Linuxu:

-         navadna datoteka (file)
d         imenik (directory)
l         povezava (link)
b         posebna blokovna datoteka (blocked special file)
c         posebna znakovna datoteka (character special file)
p         posebna cevna datoteka (named pipe special file - FIFO)
n         mrežna posebna datoteka (network special file)
s         vtičnica (socket)
H         skriti imenik

Naslednjih 9 znakov rwxrwxrwx pa ima naslednji pomen:
r w x | r w x | r w x
| | |   | | |   | | |_> izvajanje za ostale   (x ali -); 001
| | |   | | |   | |___> pisanje za ostale     (w ali -); 002
| | |   | | |   |_____> branje za ostale      (r ali -); 004
| | |   | | |_________> izvajanje za skupino  (x ali -); 010
| | |   | |___________> pisanje za skupino    (w ali -); 020
| | |   |_____________> branje za skupino     (r ali -); 040
| | |_________________> izvajanje za lastnika (x ali -); 100
| |___________________> pisanje za lastnika   (w ali -); 200
|_____________________> branje za lstnika     (r ali -); 400

* Drugi stolpec je število datotek/map
* Tretji stolpec je lastnik, v našem primeru sloreactor
* Četrti stolpec je uporabnišča skupina, v našem primeru mail, Admin, Smod
* Peti stolpec je velikost datoteke/mape
* Šesti stolpec je datum in ura
* Sedmi stolpec pa je ime datoteke/mape

Ukazi za delo iz terminalskega okna:

* man
Z ukazom man izpišemo pomoč za določeno ključno besedo ali ukaz iz priročnika.

man [poglavje] ključna_beseda

man ls
ls --help

* &[/{]
Večopravilni način delovanja (multitasking)
Če po ukazu sledi znak &, se ukaz izvede kot nov proces in lupina OS se takoj vrne v ukazno vrstico. V nasprotnem primeru je potrebno počakati, da se ukaz izvrši do konca.

[b]mathematica &
emacs test.tex &
xdvi test.dvi &
gv test.ps

Osnovni ukazi za delo z datotečnim sistemom:

* ls

Izpis vsebine imenika in podatkov o datotekah

ls [-adltxCR] [imena ...]


a[\b] Izpis vseh datotek
[b]d[\b] Če je argument imenik, se izpiše samo njegovo ime in ne vsebina
[b]l[\b] Izpis v dolgem foramtu
[b]t[\b] Izpis, urejen po času zadnje spremembe
[b]x[\b] Večstolpčni izpis z imeni, urejenimi po vrsticah
[b]C[\b] Večstolpčni izpis z imeni, urejenimi po stolpcih
[b]R[\b] Rekurzivni izpis vsebine naštetih imenikov

Primer: daljši izpis vsebine domačega imenika uporabnika "Smod"
[b]ls -al ~Smod[\b]

[b]* cd[\b]
Spreminjanje delovnega (trenutnega) imenika

[b]cd [imenik][\b]

Primer: pomik na domači imenik uporabnika "Smod", pomik v višji nivo
[b]cd ~Smod
cd ..

* cp[\b]
Kopiranje datotek in imenikov

[b]cp [-f | -i] [-p] datoteka nova_datoteka
cp [-f | -i] [-p] datoteka1 [datoteka2 ...] ciljni_imenik
cp [-f | -i] [-p] [-r] imenik1 [imenik2 ...] ciljni_imenik[\b]

[b]f[\b] Brez vprašanja prepiše že obstoječe datoteke z novimi
[b]i[\b] Če ciljna datoteka že obstaja, vpraša, ali naj jo prepiše ali ne
[b]p[\b] Ohrani dovoljenja, lastnika in skupino, keteri pripada datoteka
[b]r[\b] rekurzivno skopira celotno drevesno strukturo

Primer: kopiranje tekstovnih datotek iz imenika ~Smod/download v trenutni imenik
[b]cp ~Smod/download/*.txt

* mv
Premikanje, preimenovanje datotek in imenikov

mv [-f | -i] datoteka nova_datoteka
mv [-f | -i] datoteka1 [datoteka2 ...] ciljni_imenik
mv [-f | -i] imenik1 [imenik2 ...] ciljni_imenik

f Brez vprašanja prepiše že obstoječe datoteke z novimi
i Če ciljna datoteka že obstaja, vpraša, ali naj jo prepiše ali ne

mv -f *.txt www/sloreactor

* rm
Brisanje datotek in imenikov

rm [-f | -i] [-r] datoteka ...

f Datoteke zbriše brez vprašanja
i Za vsako datoteko moramo potrditi njeno brisanje
r Preden zbriše imenik, rekurzivno zbriše vso njegovo vsebino

Primer: brisanje vsebine trenutnega imenika z vsemi podimeniki
rm -r *b]

[b]* pwd

Izpis imenika, v katerem se nahajamo


* mkdir
Ustvarjanje imenika

mkdir [-p] [-m dovoljenja] nov_imenik

p Po potrebi se ustvari vmesna pot do ciljnega imenika
m Na novonarejeni imenik bo imel dovoljenja nastavljena na vrednosti, ki so v parametru dovoljena

Primer: v trenutnem imeniku bomo ustvarili gnezdene imenike data/backup/podatki
mkdir -p data/backup/podatki

* rmdir
Brisanje praznega imenika

rmdir [-p] imenik

p Če je po brisanju imenika s sestavljenim imenom (npr. data/backup ima 2 dela: data in backup) imenik na višjem nivoju prazen, se pobriše tudi ta.

Primer: brisanje praznega imenika backup
rmdir backup

* df
Izpis informacij o nezasedenem prostoru na diskih

df [-h]

h Velikosti se izpišejo v prijaznejši obliki (npr. 1K,230M,2G)


* du
Izpis prostora, ki ga na disku zavzema imenik ali datoteka

df [-a | -s] [-m | -k] [datoteka | imenik ...]

a Izpiše se tudi informacija o vsaki datoteki v imeniku
s Izpiše se samo skupen prostor, ki ga na disku zaseda vsaka navedena datoteka ali imenik
k Izpis dolžine v KB
m Izpis dolžine v MB

Primer: izpis prostora (v MB), ki ga zasedejo vse datoteke v trenutnem imeniku
du -dm

Ukazi za delo z datotekami:

* find
Iskanje datotek in imenikov

find imenik [-name ime] [-type tip_datoteke] [-print]

name Ime datoteke, ki jo želimo najti
type Tip datoteke, ki jo želimo najti
print Izpiše ime, ki ustreza iskalnim pogojem

Primer: poiščimo datoteke MP3 na domačem imeniku trenutno prijavljenega uporabnika
find ~ -name *.mp3 -print

* ln
Ustvarjanje povezav (link) do datotek in imenikov

ln [-f] [-i] [-s] datoteka nova_datoteka
ln [-f] [-i] [-s] datoteka [datoteka2] ciljni_imenik
ln [-f] [-i] [-s] datoteka [imenik2] ciljni_imenik

f Če ciljna datoteka že obstaja, jo brez vprašanja prepiše
i Za vsako ciljno datoteko, ki že obstaja, smo vprašani, ali jo želimo prepisati
s Namesto običajnetrde povezave se ustvari simbolna (mehka) povezava

Primer: ustvarimo najprej mehko povezavo do datoteke /etc/fstab, nato pa poglejmo, kam kaže ustvarjena datoteka
ls /etc/fstab testLink
ls -l testLink

* more
Izpis vsebine datoteke

more datoteka

Primer: izpišemo vsebino datoteke, na katero kaže povezava testLink
more testLink

* tail
Izpis repa datoteke

tail [-c N] datoteka
tail [-n N] datoteka
tail [-f] datoteka

c Izpiše zadnjih N znakov datoteke
n Izpiše zadnjih N vrstic datoteke
f Aktivno spremlja zadnjih nekaj vrstic datoteke, tudi ko se ta spreminja

Primer: izpiši zadnji dve vrstici datoteke, na katero kaže povezava testLink
tail -n2 testLink

* wc
Štetje znakov, besed in vrstic po datotekah

wc [-lwc] [datoteke]

l Izpis števila vrstic
w Izpis števila besed
c Izpis števila znakov

Primer: preštejemo besede vpovezavi testLink
wc -w testLink


* lpr
Izpis datoteke na tiskalnik

lpr [-Ptiskalnik] [-m] [-#št_kopij] datoteka

P Izberemo tiskalnik, na katerem želimo izpis. V nasprotnem primeru se uporabi privzeti tiskalnik
m Ko so datoteke natisnjene, dobimo obvestilo po elektronski pošti
# Izpiše datoteko v št_kopij kopijah

Primer: tiskanje datoteke /etc/fstab
lpr testLink

* lpq
Prikaz opravil, ki čakajo na tiskanje in prikaz stanja določenega stanja ali celotnega sistema tiskanja

lpq [-l] [-Ptiskalnik] [št_opravila] uporabnik

l Ispis informacij o vsaki datoteki, ki sestavljajo opravilo v vrstici
P Izpis statusa navedenega tiskalnika. Če to stikalo izpustimo, se uporabi privzeti tiskalnik


* lprm
Brisanje opravil, ki čakajo na tiskanje, ali vseh opravil določenih uporabnikov.

lprm [-Ptiskalnik] [-] [-št_opravila] [uporabnik]

P Brisanje opravil navedenega tiskalnika. Če to stikalo izpustimo, se uporabi privzeti tiskalnik


Ukaza za spreminjanje dovoljenj in lastništva datotek:

* chmod
Spreminjanje dovoljenj datoteke in imenikov

chmod [-R] dovoljenja datoteke

R Rekurzivno spremeni dovoljenja. Za vsak navedeni imenik se dovoljenje rekurzivno nastavi vsem datotekam in imenikom v njem

Dovoljenja so lahko številčna ali simbolična:
o Številča dovoljenja so predstavljena kot števila v osmiškem številkem sistemu, v katerem posamezen bit pomeni določeno dovoljenje. (npr. 754)
o Simbolična dovoljenja so lahko absolutna in relativna. Absolutna dovoljenja so neodvisna od obstoječih dovoljenj datoteke, relativna pa obstoječa dovoljenja dodajajo ali odvzemajo. Simbolična dovoljenja imajo obliko seznama elementov, ki so ločeni z vejicami.
Vsak element ima obliko:


<kdo> pomeni, na koga se to dovoljenje nanaša in je lahko poljubna kombinacija naslednjih vrednosti:

u spremeni dovoljenja za lastnika
g spremeni dovoljenja za skupino
o spremeni dovoljenja za ostale
a spremeni dovoljenja za vse (je enako kot ugo)

<operator> mora biti naveden. Možni operatorji so:

+ dovoljenje se doda
- dovoljenje se odvzame
= dovoljenje se nastavi

<dovoljenje> pa je poljubna kombinacija sledečih vrednosti:

r dovoljenje za branje
w dovoljenje za pisanje
x dovoljenje za izvajanje/iskanje
X če je datoteka imenik, potem to pomeni dovoljenje za iskanje.
Primer: dovolimo vsem uporabnikom skupine branje in spreminjanje datoteke imenik.txt
chmod g+rw imenik.txt

Primer: dovolimo lastniku branje in pisanje, skupini le branje, ostalim uporabnikom pa ne dovolimo dostopa do textovnih datotek na trenutnem imeniku
chmod 620 *.txt

* chown
Spreminjanje lastništva datotek in imenikov

chown [-R] lastnik[:skupina] datoteke

R Če je datoteka imanik, se lastništvo rekurzivno spremeni za vse datoteke in podimenike v njem

Primer: dodelimo datoteko imenik.txt uporabniku "omen"
chown omen imenik.txt


Q: How to change files/folders ownership?
Read General Notes
sudo chown system_username /location_of_files_or_folders
Q: How to change files/folders group ownership?
Read General Notes
sudo chgrp system_groupname /location_of_files_or_folders

Ostali osnovni ukazi:

* Format:date
Izpis in nastavljanje sistemskega datuma in ure

date [MMddhhmm] [[cc]yy[.ss]]

MM Mesec (01 do 12)
dd Dan (01 do 31)
hh Ura (00 do 23)
mm Minuta (00 do 59)
cc Stoletje
yy Leto (00 do 99) Če leta ne navedemo, se upošteva tekoče leto
ss Sekunda (00 do 59)

Primer: nastavitev sistemskega datuma in ure na 1. oktober, 13:00
date 10011300

* passwd
Spreminjanje uporabniškega gesla

passwd [uporabnik]

če uporabnika ne navedemo, spremenimo geslo trenutnega uporabnika


* who
Izpis vseh uporabnikov, ki so trenutno prijavljeni na sistem

who [-Hq]

who am I


H Izpiše se tudi vrstica z imeni posameznih polj
q Izpiše samo število uporabnikov in njihova imena

Who am I izpiše podatke o tem, kdo smo

* ps
Izpis podatkov o aktivnih procesih

ps [-efl] [-t terminali] [-p št_procesov] [-u uporabniki [-g skupine]

e Izpis podatkov o vseh procesih
f Za posamezen proces izpiše dodatne podatke
l Za posamezen proces izpiše vse podatke, ki so na voljo
t Izpis podatkov o tistih procesih, ki so povezani z navedenim terminalom
p Izpis podatkov samo za navedene procese
u Izpis podatkov o tistih procesih, ki jih poganjajo navedeni uporabniki
g Izpis podatkov o tistih procesih, ki jih poganjajo uporabniki iz navedenih skupin

Primer: obširnejši izpis podatkov o vseh procesih
ps -el

* kill
Končajmo (ubijemo) proces

kill PID

PID jr identifikacijska številka procesa, ki ga želimo končati. Dobimo jo z ukazom ps

kill 666

Objavljeno na: 20/1 23:36:25

Uredil Seba objavleno 18.6.2005 1:47:41
"Divide et Impera..."

Re: Splošna pravila v linuxu
Skrbnik strani
9/6/2004 23:08
Objave: 63
Nivo : 6; EXP : 82
HP : 0 / 145
MP : 21 / 577
Ukazi in razlaga za inštalacijo RPT paketkov

Ukaz v Konzoli - Opis

* rpm -ivh /pot/ime_datoteke.rpm - Ukaz za inštalacijo RPM paketa
* rpm -ivh /pot/ime_datoteke.rpm - Ukaz za posodobitev z novo verzijo v RPM paketa

Stran z navodili za IPtables tukaj

Objavljeno na: 23/1 18:55:49

Uredil Seba objavleno 31.5.2005 11:15:21
"Divide et Impera..."

YUM uporaba
Skrbnik strani
9/6/2004 23:08
Objave: 63
Nivo : 6; EXP : 82
HP : 0 / 145
MP : 21 / 577
Using the Yum Client

The current command synopsis for yum is:

Usage: yum [options] <update | upgrade | install | info | remove | list |
clean | provides | search | check-update | groupinstall | groupupdate |
grouplist >

-c [config file] - specify the config file to use
-e [error level] - set the error logging level
-d [debug level] - set the debugging level
-y answer yes to all questions
-t be tolerant about errors in package commands
-R [time in minutes] - set the max amount of time to randomly run in.
-C run from cache only - do not update the cache
--installroot=[path] - set the install root (default '/')
--version - output the version of yum
-h, --help this screen

(as of version 2.0.4).

11.1 Privileged Yum Commands The following commands alter the filesystem by installing, updating,deleting files. The first time yum is run, they will also download andcache all the header files in all the repositories in /etc/yum.conf,wich also requires root privileges. Thereafter the unprivilegedcommands will generally work for all users, but the commands in thesubsections below will only work as root.
Installing Packages with Yum

# yum install package1 [package2 package3...]

Yum checks to see if package1 is already installed and is the latest version. If not, it downloads package1 {\em and all its dependency packages} (saving them in its cache directory) and installs them. Additional packages can be listed on the same command line. The packages can be specified with standard filesystem globs. Some examples:

# yum install jpilot

This will look for the jpilot package (which provides a lovely interface for palm pilots) and install it if it exists on any of the repositories in any of the yum repositories.

# yum install festival\*

This will install all the packages (e.g. festival and festival-devel) required to run the festival speech generation program or write software that does speech synthesis. Note the "\" required to escape the glob "*" character from the shell.
Updating Packages with Yum

# yum update package1 [package2 package3...]

Yum checks to see if package1 is installed and is the latest version. If not, it downloads package1 {\em and all its dependency packages} (saving them in its cache directory) and re-installs them (effectively upgrading them). Additional packages can be listed on the same command line. The packages can be specified with standard filesystem globs. Some examples:

# yum update

One of the most important and useful of yum commands, in some ways the command for which yum was invented. This command updates all the installed packages on your system to the latest version on your repository set. This enables you to keep your system current and up to date with a simple script, and to update any package(s) at any time should it be necessary.

# yum update jpilot

This will look for the jpilot package (which provides a lovely interface for palm pilots) and install it if it exists on any of the repositories in any of the yum repositories.

# yum update festival\*

This will update all the packages in the festival speech generation suite that happen to be installed on the system. Note the "\" required to escape the glob "*" character from the shell.
Deleting Packages with Yum

One should always exercise care when removing packages. This is because of dependencies - if you remove a package upon which other installed packages depend (to use a shared library, read a configuration file, even invoke a binary) then those packages are left "dangling" and will be left in a partly or completely dysfunctional state. Yum will try to help you avoid possibly devastating side effects associated with package removal, but as is always the case with something like this, it does require that the user think carefully when using it. It is therefore most unwise to use yum non-interactively when removing packages.

Since it is yum's basic design philosophy to never leave the system in an inconsistent/broken state (yum contains no support for


-like options) if you ask yum to remove a package, it will insist on also removing all packages that depend on that package. If the package that you are removing is one upon which something like X itself or Apache depends, you may find yourself removing {\em an entire user interface} or {\em your entire webserver} as the package removal process is recursive through all dependencies. In many cases, this will not be what you want.

Let's understand this. In some cases you may have intended to remove only a top-level package and not realized that some other installed package depends on it. Clearly yum is doing you a service in these cases as it will keep you from removing a package that you didn't realize that you actually needed for something else. In other cases you might argue that you are only removing the package to replace it with another that also satisfies the dependence, so why does yum insist on removing all the dangling packages when you're about to reconnect them?

There are several reasons. For one, unless you have worked very hard and fully expanded the interconnected dependency tree and have done extensive testing of all the programs and tools in that tree, you don't know that the package you are dropping in will actually function as a perfect replacement. It is not enough to know that it provides a needed file or program or library -- one has to work through the version dependence of the needed file or program or library, as these can and do change with time. New features are added, old features go away, two programs with the same name that serve the same general purpose take argument lists that differ in some crucial way.

Of course in some cases you are simply removing a package and replacing it with a more recent package with the same name. However, this is what the update command above does for you already as an atomic entity that never leaves the dependencies dangling, and in general you should use it instead, as it is likely to do a far more careful job of resolving the dependencies and ensuring that the updated package will still suffice.

There is one more place where this sort of remove-and-replace activity is likely to occur - when a package is obsoleted by another package. A package is obsoleted when it is removed entirely from an entire distribution/dependency tree and replace by a completely different package (different name, possibly different contents). This happens fairly regularly, if rarely, especially when the obsoleted package provides a configuration file that is shared by several tools. RPM's obsoletion process is very tricky, and can break things even when used correctly as it depends on all the packages in the dependency tree doing the right thing. Package are often obsoleted when a distribution changes its revision number, as that is the right time to manipulate entire branches of the tree with minimal impact.

The yum upgrade command listed below is the solution to the problem of obsoletion. It functions much like update, except that it manages the RPM obsoletes.

In any event, the command syntax for package removal is:

# yum remove package1 [package2 package3...]

As noted above, it removes package1 and all packages in the dependency tree that depend on package1, possibly irreversibly as far as configuration data is concerned. Be certain that the list of removed packages that it generates meets with your approval before proceeding. Additional packages can be listed on the same command line, and the packages can be specified with standard filesystem globs although this makes the problem of certifying the list it generates for removal even more difficult.
yum upgrade

Upgrading is the same as updating (and takes similar arguments) except that, as noted above, it also resolves and manages RPM package obsoletes, which remove core packages upon which many things depend and replace them (and as many of the dangling dependencies as possible) with a new, consistent branch in the dependency tree. This is not a completely safe thing to do in many cases because the overall replacement process can be very wide-reaching and have side effects that are difficult to fully explore in a testing process.

Note that under ordinary circumstances one should almost never encounter obsoletes unless you are actually upgrading from one distribution revision to another or are mixing packages from two different distributions revisions into your repository. For a variety of reasons, the latter is a really bad idea unless you love administrative pain. For a variety of reasons, it is often done anyway, and one of the things that tempts the use of

rpm --force

and consequently "breaks" the RPM database so that it becomes nearly impossible to safely resolve dependencies in the future. Yum upgrade at least gives you your best chance not to egregiously break something in this process without fair warning.

Even the legitimate purpose of doing a full revision upgrade is fraught with peril. For example, in revision upgrades the entire format of key configuration files in /etc might well change, and all tools and functions that depend on them might also need to change all the way down at the API or ABI level. It is again difficult to know that the RPMs for the entire upgraded tree are sufficiently carefully built that they can manage to both remove the old configuration files and preserve their contents and port the contents into the newly supported format, if possible. It is not at all unlikely that configuration data may be lost across an upgrade and that a system will therefore require a certain judicious amount of reconfiguration afterwards to regain full functionality.

For a specific example of this, consider the gradual replacement of the old Unix


printing system with the newer


(Common Unix Printing System). Every aspect of printing configuration changes between the two, and it is nearly impossible to upgrade from one to the other without totally redoing the way printing is managed.

Because of these issues and yum's desire to function and do no harm in the process, it is likely the the

yum upgrade

function will be deprecated in the not horribly distant future. For that reason it is listed last in this HOWTO. In the meantime, it can certainly be a useful command and yum often does extraordinarily well at doing an upgrade, for all the dire warnings above. The author (rgb) of this HOWTO has used yum to upgrade Red Hat based systems on several occasions with complete satisfaction. He no longer does this - better practice is to develop e.g. a kickstart description of the systems in question that permits a full (re)install at any time into a perfectly functional state. This kickstart file is a much safer basis for upgrading the system to new distributions as they are released, as a full install eliminates the obsolescence process altogether, or at least forces one to confront precisely the relevant configuration issues as the emerge.

Yum Group Install/Update Commands

# yum group[install,update] group1 [group2 group3]

Yum has recently acquired the ability to perform the install, and update functions (as well as the list function, defined below) on package groups defined for a system, with otherwise similar arguments. This makes it relatively easy to install an entire block of software all at once, on systems that have package groups defined.

This can be very useful if one is using yum as a full scale system installation tool in its own right. For example, it is possible to put X onto a server originally installed without it by means of:

# yum groupinstall "X Window System" "X Software Development"



function is likely to be only infrequently required, as of course a

yum update

will update all packages on the system whether or not they were originally installed as a part of a group. One could imagine, perhaps, a circumstance where one wishes to update a particular group to current but not update the rest of your software installation to current, but I (rgb) have never encountered one.

Objavljeno na: 31/5 12:29:10
"Divide et Impera..."

Delo z Uporabniki
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9/6/2004 23:08
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useradd - Adding a new user

* -d home directory
* -s starting program (shell)
* -p password
* -g (primary group assigned to the users)
* -G (Other groups the user belongs to)
* -m (Create the user's home directory

Example: To add a new user with

* a primary group of users
* a second group mgmt
* starting shell /bin/bash
* password of xxxx
* home directory of roger
* create home directory
* a login name of roger

useradd -gusers -Gmgmt -s/bin/shell -pxxxx -d/home/roger -m roger

usermod - Modifying existing user


* -d home directory
* -s starting program (shell)
* -p password
* -g (primary group assigned to the users)
* -G (Other groups the user belongs to)

Example: To add the group 'others' to the user roger
usermod -Gothers roger

userdel - Deleting a user


* -r (remove home directory)

Example: To remove the user 'roger' and his home directory
userdel -r roger

top of page
passwd - User's Password

* user's name (Only required if you are root and want to change another user's password)

Example: To change the password for the account you are currently logged in as...

Enter existing password
Enter new password
Enter new password again (to validate)

Example: To change the password for the user 'roger' (only you are logged in as root)...

passwd roger
Enter existing password (can be either roger's password or root's password)
Enter new password
Enter new password again (to validate)

Where is user and group information stored

User names and primary groups are stored in /etc/passwd. This file can be directly edited using the 'vi' editor, although this is not recommended. Format of the file is...

* User name (normally all lower case)
* Password (encrypted - only contains the letter 'x')
* User ID (a unique number of each user)
* Primary Group ID
* Comment (Normally the person's full name)
* Home directory (normally /home/<user name>
* Default shell (normally /bin/bash)

Each field is separated by a colon.

Passwords for each user are stored in /etc/shadow. This file should only be changed using the passwd command.

Group information is stored in /etc/group. This file can be directly edited using the 'vi' editor. Format of the file is...

* Group name
* Group password (hardly ever used)
* Group ID
* User names (separated by commas)

Each field is separated by a colon.

Default files

When a new user is created, the default files and directories that are created are stored in /etc/skel.

This directory can be modified to fit your needs. Modifications only effect new users and does not change anything for existing users.

su - Switch User

To switch to another user, use the su command. This is most commonly used to switch to the root account.

Example: To switch to root account...
Enter root's passwd

Example: To switch to the user 'roger'...
su roger
Enter roger's or root's passwd

To return to original user, enter exit

Objavljeno na: 31/5 23:04:53

Uredil Seba objavleno 31.5.2005 23:08:10
"Divide et Impera..."

Kako zagnati Webmin po inštalaciji?
Skrbnik strani
9/6/2004 23:08
Objave: 63
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HP : 0 / 145
MP : 21 / 577
Kot root uporabnik se prijavite v konzolo in uporabite ukaz chkconfig, da se prepričate, če webmin teče...

# chkconfig --list webmin
webmin 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off

Sedaj z chkconfig določite naj teče na nivojih 2,3,4 in 5
# chkconfig --level 2345 webmin on

Še enkrat preverite, če res teče na teh nivojih

# chkconfig --list webmin
webmin 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off

Nato še tem ukazom webmin reštartamo
# service webmin restart
Stopping Webmin server in /usr/libexec/webmin
Starting Webmin server in /usr/libexec/webmin

Objavljeno na: 1/6 8:40:04
"Divide et Impera..."

Spet nekaj ukazov
Skrbnik strani
9/6/2004 23:08
Objave: 63
Nivo : 6; EXP : 82
HP : 0 / 145
MP : 21 / 577
UNIX Ukazi. Nekateri se ponavljajo v zgornjih postih:

Some useful UNIX commands
This is a short list of useful UNIX commands. Observe that some of these are specific for the Linux operating system. Please read the manual pages (type man “command” in a terminal window, e.g. “man cd”) for a full description of each command. Type q to exit the manual.

Changes working directory
Ex. "cd /home/teknolog" changes the working directory to /home/teknolog
Ex. "cd .." changes the working directory to one level above

Copies a file
Ex. "cp file1.txt file2.txt" copies file1.txt to file2.txt.
The new file file2.txt will reside in the current working directory.

Displays the size of a folder (disk usage)
Ex. “du –sk foldername” displays the size of directory foldername

Starts the text editor called emacs
Ex. "emacs" starts the editor
Ex. "emacs file1.txt" starts the editor with the file file1.txt loaded

fs -lq
Displays your disk quota and how much it you are using

Terminates a process.
Only to be used when a process has crashed
Ex. "kill 29961" terminates the process with ID-number 29961.
To retrieve the process ID-number see the command ps

lp or lpr
Prints a file
Ex. "lpr –Pflyg_datasal filename"

Lists the contents of the current directory
Ex. "ls"

ls -al
The -l option lists in long format, giving mode, number of links, owner, group, size in bytes, and time of last modification for each file.
The -a option lists all files, even files and directories whose name starts with a dot (so called hidden files).

Creates a directory
Ex. "mkdir mydir"

Shows the content of a text file on the screen
Ex. "more file1.txt"
To move down push the key "j"
To move up push the key "k"
To move one page down push the key "spacebar"
Quit by typing "q" or hit "Ctrl-C"

Moves (renames) a file
Ex. "mv file1.txt file2.txt" moves file1.txt to file2.txt.
Ex. "mv file1.txt /home/teknolog/file1.txt" moves file1.txt from the current working directory to the directory /home/teknolog

Prints on the screen certain information about active processes. Each process has an ID-number of it's own, which is shown in the PID column
Ex. "ps"

Stands for Print Working Directory
Ex. "pwd"

Removes (deletes) a file
Ex. "rm file1.txt" removes file file1.txt
Ex. "rm ." removes all files in the current working directory
Ex. “rm –Rdf foldername” deletes a nonempty directory and all its subdirectories. USE THIS WITH GREAT CARE:

Removes (deletes) a directory
Ex. "rmdir mydir"
The directory must be empty for this command to work.

Works like “Zip” but for the UNIX-world
Ex. “tar –df filename.tar foldername” creates a file called filename.tar which contains all the files in the directory foldername.
Ex. “tar –xvf filename.tar” unpacks all the files in filename.tar.

Objavljeno na: 6/6 22:40:24
"Divide et Impera..."

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