Povezave na nekatere, za Oddelek kontrole,
pomembne Internet strani.
Povezave na nekatere, za Oddelek kontrole,
pomembne Internet strani.
- Oracle Slovenija, kontaktni e-mail naslovi.
- Oracle Slovenija, Oracle Šolski center, tečaji.
Povezave na meteorološke serverje, MAP program ...
Map Meeting 2000, 24 - 26 May
Bohinjska Bistrica, Slovenia
The conference will be held in the `Aumanov dom' conference
Program srečanja MAP 2000.
Od 1.1.2004 naprej nov sektor Sektor za meteorološke meritve - METOBS
Meteorological Observations
- Katedra za meteorologijo.
Slovensko meteorološko društvo (SMD)
- WMO-Mandatory Publications
Reding http://www.ecmwf.int/index.html
EUMETNET - EUCOS (http://www.eucos.com)
Povratne dobe nalivov.
Danmark, Danska
- Synop Decoding
Reading Weather Forecast, England.
World Meteorological Organization.
World Meteorological Organization, glej DDBS (na levi strani), baza podatkov (publication Nr. 9, tabela postaj.)
- Wetter online .
- Hrvaški HMZ .
- Meteorološki slovarček .
- SYNOP, SLO-EN, ... .
- Voltaireproject, obdelava in kontrola padavin
- Sprememba povprečne temperature od leta 1860 do 2000.
- Meteorological Calculator
- The Mesoscale Alpine Programme.
- Predstavitev MAP programa v Slovenščini
Organization and Overall Schedule (MAP)
DAQUAMAP Information exchange procedure (MAP)
Legenda kratic (List of Acronyms)
Dopolnjena legenda kratic (List of Acronyms)
Quality Control efforts in MAP countries
Kratka tabelarična predstavitev slovenskih postaj v MAP-u.
Working Group of Routine Network Data
(Podatki o državah in delovnih srečanjih.).
Guidelines for data delivery (FORMAT DATOTEK, KI SE POSILJAJO V MAP in ime serverja).
- !!!! MAP dokumentacija (seznami in MAP_id oznake slovenskih postaj) ...
MAP ORACLE DATABASE (Dostop do MAP Oracleove baze).
DA ta QUA lity control of MAP
DOSTOP DO OBDELAV, DUNAJ (samo preko gesla, podatki samo za Slovenijo).
DOSTOP DO OBDELAV, MDC (samo preko gesla, podatki za vse MAP države).
- Povezave med spremenljivkami, ki so jih
uporabili v MAP kontroli.
- Interpretacija rezultatov
MAP obdelav, skupina "DAQUAMAP statistics"(DA ta
QUA lity control
of MAP ).
Literatura uporabljena v "DAQUAMAP statistics".
Registration for access to the MAP-network
Člani DAQUAMAP skupine.
DAQUAMAP 1) - results and the response of providers (Plakat skupine
DAQUAMAP na srečanju v Appenzellu; torek, 8. junij 1999, od 9:30 do 17:00.)
Enek plakat kot zgoraj le, da je na našem serverju.
(Plakat skupine
DAQUAMAP na srečanju v Appenzellu; torek, 8. junij 1999, od 9:30 do 17:00.)
Query the stationinfo table (MAP surface stations.)!
Second Workshop on Quality Control of Meteorological Data in MAP
21.02.-22.02.2002, Vienna, Austria
Analyses of Alpine High-Resolution Rain-Gauge Observations for the MAP Special Observing Period
- http://www.dwd.de/UNIDART/
DAQUAMAP delavnica na Dunaju, 21.-22. februar 2002.
- TAF (Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts) Data Access
Current and recent.
This is
the area where MAP Intensive Observation Period.
Related information is located.
MAP press information contents
* Welcome to the MNC MAP Network Centre.
* Zurich
Topli alpski veter, fen.
Eno izmed letal ameriških raziskovalnih letal P3 (Electra).
Letali sta opremljeni z dopplerjevima radarjema, ki se vrtita v
vertikalni ravnini (podaljšani rep letala), s horizontalno rotirajočim
radarjem (pod trupom), z mikrofizikalnimi senzorji za preučevanje
oblačnih in padavinskih delcev in z napravama za spuščanje meteoroloških
DARE program
- iz: http://iri.columbia.edu/outreach/publication/book/ENSOsystem/chapter.html
For example, the WMO-sponsored DARE project has "rescued" data from several
locations around the world including the Caribbean, Latin America and Africa.
In many instances, however, these data have been transferred to more permanent
storage media e.g., microfilm versus high acid paper, and are not available in
digitized form making them unavailable for the types of historical analyses
required for an effective Climate Information System. These and other sources
of historical data e.g., from National Meteorological Services and Agencies,
need to be made available in computer-compatible form if they are to live up
to their potential usefulness. This is especially urgent since the long-term
stability of microfilm has been recently called into question (7).
Oddelek za kontrolo podatkov.
Nazaj na prvo stran.