UTM Calculation Sheet

Input the geodetic datum, and the latitude and longitude that you want to transform. Then click the "Set Up Parameters" button to set up the parameters for the appropriate UTM transformation. Tab to the "Forward Calculation" to perform the calculations. There is a small table of intermediate calculations corresponding to the equations given in the text.

Geodetic Datum: Ellipsoid:
  semimajor axis: m. inverse flattening:
  eccentricity: eccentricity sq:

Latitude: deg  min  sec 

Longitude: deg  min  sec 


The latitude, longitude place the point in UTM zone: 
UTM Parameters:
longitude of natural origin  dega
latitude of natural origin  dega
scale factor  Euc
false easting  m
false northing  m

Transverse Mercator Calculations for Forward Direction
For the Latitude and Longitude input above, we have:
Latitude decimal degrees:  deg radians:  rad
Longitude decimal degrees:  deg radians:  rad

The calculations as defined in the usage document:
A = C =
T = M =
n = M0 =

Which leads to the calculation of the easting and northing:

Easting =  m
Northing =  m

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