European Southern Observatory (ESO)European Association for Astronomy Education (EAAE) Observatoire de ParisInstitut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des Éphémérides (IMCCE)Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic European Science & Technology Week 2004    Visit the websites of the VT-2004 organisers

  Personnal page : Vicar Zorko


Name : Zorko
Surname : Vicar
e-mail :
Organization : School
Observation method : Webcam, CCD, video
Instruments / comments : webcam Logi QC4000pro, 80mm,f/5
Country : Slovenia
Site :
Longitude : 14.4708333 ° E
Latitude : 46.0983333 ° N
Click here to update your profile


In this table you get for each of timed contacts:
  • the value of the average distance of the Earth from the Sun (astronomical unit, AU) calculated from your measures,
  • the corresponding value of the angle under which would be seen the Earth radius from the center of the Sun (Solar parallax Π),
  • their shifts from the exact values Δ(AU) et Δ(Π),
  • the percentage of error of these values.
At the bottom of the table, you get the average value of the whole set of measurements.

Instants (UTC) AU (km) Π ('') Δ(AU) (km) Δ(Π) ('') Error
1 5 h 20 m 4.00 s 149598580 8.7941 710 0.0000 0.000 %
2 5 h 38 m 37.00 s 149096353 8.8237 501517 0.0296 0.335 %
3 11 h 4 m 5.00 s 149602702 8.7939 4832 0.0003 0.003 %
4 11 h 23 m 8.00 s 149690848 8.7887 92978 0.0055 0.062 %
Average AU = 149497121 km
Average Π = 8.8001 ''
Average error = 0.067 %
To know more about these measures

Position of your results with regard to all the measures

The graph below shows the distribution of the measures of the astronomical unit performed at this moment:
  • The number of observers for every slice of values of the astronomical unit is represented by a vertical bar.
  • Tour own measure is represented by a green line.
  • The exact value by a red line.
Click on the image to zoom around your value.

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