Observers Handbook Table



Observers Handbook 1996

The 314 stars brighter than apparent magnitude 3.55 in both hemispheres are listed with 1996.5 positions. Several spectral classifications have been updated by Garrison as part of his continuing contribution to the Michigan Spectral Catalogue project. Data on the five Cepheid variable stars appearing in this table have also been updated following work by Fernie and Beattie on the Galactic Cepheid Database (World Wide Web URL: A few additional changes have been made because of better available data.


If the star is a visual double, the letter A indicates that the data are for the brighter component. The brightness and separation of the second component (B) are given in the last column. Sometimes the double is too close to be conveniently resolved and the data refer to the combined light (AB); in interpreting such data the magnitudes of the two components must be considered.

Apparent Visual Magnitude (V).

These magnitudes are based on photoelectric observations. The V filter is yellow and corresponds roughly to the response of the eye. The photometric system is that of Johnson and Morgan in Ap.J., vol. 117, p. 313, 1953. It is as likely as not that the true magnitude is within 0.03 mag. of the quoted figure, on the average. Variable stars are indicated with a ``v''. The type of variability, range and period are given in the remarks.

Colour Index (B-V).

The blue magnitude, B, is the brightness of a star as observed photoelectrically through a blue filter. The difference B-V is therefore a measure of the colour of a star. There is a close relation between B-V and the spectral type, but some of the stars are reddened by interstellar dust. The probable error of a value of B-V is about 0.02 mag at most.

Spectral Classification.

A ``temperature'' type (O,B,A,F,G,K,M) is given first, followed by a finer subtype (0-9) and a ``luminosity'' class (Roman numerals I-IV, with an ``a'' or ``b'' added occasionally to indicate slightly brighter or fainter). The sequences are in the sense that the O stars are hottest, M stars are coolest, Ia stars are the most luminous supergiants, III stars are giants and V stars are the most numerous; the V's are known as dwarfs or main-sequence stars. Other symbols used in the column are: ``p'' for peculiar; ``e'' for hydrogen emission; ``m'' for strong metallic lines; ``f'' for broad, non-hydrogen emission in hot stars; and ``n'' or ``nn'' for unusually broad lines (= rotation). The table contains the best types available, either from the literature or from my own plates.

Parallax, Proper Motion and Position Angle.

From ``The Bright Star Catalogue'' by Dorrit Hoffleit and Carlos Jaschek, Yale University Press, 1982. Parallaxes in which the decimal point is preceded by the letter ``D'' are ``dynamical parallaxes'' (i.e. determined through Kepler's laws rather than by trigonometric measurement). Proper motions given are the absolute value of the vector resultant from the individual-coordinate proper motions given in ``The Bright Star Catalogue''. The Position Angle indicates the direction of the proper motion with an angle measured in degrees from the north through east.

Absolute Visual Magnitude and Distance in Light-Years.

If the parallax is greater that 0.05" the distance and absolute magnitude correspond to this trigonometric parallax. Otherwise a generally more accurate absolute magnitude and distance were obtained from a new (by the author, unpublished) calibration of the spectral classification; distances determined in this way are called ``spectroscopic parallaxes''. In a few cases (the Hyades, Orion, and Scorpius clusters), the cluster distances are given; these are indicated by parentheses. The effect of the absorption of light was corrected by comparing the spectral classification and the B-V, using an intrinsic-colour calibration by the author (unpublished).

Radial Velocity

From ``The Bright Star Catalogue'' referenced above. The symbol ``V'' indicates a variable velocity and an orbit is usually not known. On the other hand, ``SB'' indicates a spectroscopic binary, which is an unresolved system whose duplicity is revealed by periodic oscillations of the lines in its spectrum and an orbit is generally known. If the lines of both stars are detectable, the symbol ``SB2'' is used. ``+'' indicates motion away from, ``--'' towards, the observer.


These contain data on companions and variability as well as notes on the spectra. Traditional names have been selected from ``The Bright Star Catalogue''.

     STAR         RA        DEC       V       B-V      SPECTRAL TYPE       PI         Mv      D        Mu      PA          RV                       REMARKS
                     1996.5                                                (")               (ly)    ("/yr)  (deg)       (km/s)

     Sun                           -26.75     0.63    G2 V                          +4.82    8 lm                        varies                                                                  Sun
   alp  And     00 08.2    +29 04    2.1v    -0.11    B9p IV:(HgMn)       0.032      -0.4     100    0.209    139        -12 SB                                                            Alpheratz
   bet  Cas     00 09.0    +59 08    2.3v     0.34    F2 III              0.072       2.0      45    0.555    109        +11 SB         var: 2.25-2.31, 0.10d                                   Caph
   gam  Peg     00 13.1    +15 10    2.8v    -0.23    B2 IV               0.000      -3.1     490    0.008    176         +4 SB         var: 2.80-2.87, 0.15d                                Algenib
   bet  Hyi     00 25.4    -77 17    2.80     0.62    G1 IV               0.159       3.8      20    2.255     82           +23

   alp  Phe     00 26.2    -42 20    2.39     1.09    K0 IIIb             0.039       0.7      62    0.442    152        +75 SB                                                                Ankaa
   del  And A   00 39.2    +30 50    3.27     1.28    K3 III              0.028      -0.3     170    0.161    122         -7 SB
   eta  Cas     00 40.3    +56 31    2.23     1.17    K0 IIIa             0.016      -0.8     110    0.058    117         -4 V?                                                              Schedar
   bet  Cet     00 43.5    -18 01    2.04     1.02    K0 III              0.061       0.3      53    0.234     81           +13                                                               Diphda
   eta  Cas A   00 49.0    +57 48    3.44     0.57    G0 V                0.176       4.7      18    1.218    115         +9 SB         B: 7.51, K4 Ve, 12"
   gam  Cas     00 56.6    +60 42    2.5v    -0.15    B0 IVnpe(shell)     0.016      -4.7     730    0.026     90         -7 SB         var: 1.6 3.0; B: 8.8, 2"
   bet  Phe AB  01 05.9    -46 44    3.31     0.89    G8 III              0.021       0.3     130    0.030    279            -1         AB similar in light, spectrum, 1"
   eta  Cet     01 08.5    -10 12    3.45     1.16    K1.5 III CN1        0.041       0.1     140    0.250    122           +12
   bet  And     01 09.5    +35 36    2.06     1.58    M0 IIIa             0.049      -1.6     170    0.210    121          +3 V                                                               Mirach
   del  Cas     01 25.6    +60 13    2.7v     0.13    A5 IV               0.037       1.4      59    0.303     99         +7 SB         ecl.? 2.68-2.76, 759d                                Ruchbah

   gam  Phe     01 28.3    -43 20    3.4v     1.57    K7 IIIa             0.000      -1.4     280    0.204    184        +26 SB         var: 3.39 3.49
   alp  Eri     01 37.5    -57 15    0.46    -0.16    B3 Vnp (shell)      0.026      -1.3      69    0.108    105         +16 V                                                             Achernar
   tau  Cet     01 44.0    -15 58    3.50     0.72    G8 V                0.287       5.8      11    1.921    296           -16
   alp  Tri     01 52.9    +29 34    3.41     0.49    F6 IV               0.057       2.6      53    0.230    177        -13 SB                                                             Metallah
   eps  Cas     01 54.1    +63 39    3.38    -0.15    B3 IV:p(shell)      0.010      -2.4     440    0.036    114          -8 V                                                                Segin
   bet  Ari     01 54.5    +20 47    2.64     0.13    A4 V                0.074       1.8      44    0.145    138         -2 SB                                                             Sharatan
   alp  Hyi     01 58.7    -61 36    2.86     0.28    F0 III-IVn          0.048       1.7      55    0.271     83          +1 V
   gam  And A   02 03.7    +42 19    2.26     1.37    K3 IIb              0.013      -1.8      42    0.066    136        -12 SB         B: 5.4,B9V,10";C: 6.2,A0V;BC: 1"                      Almaak
   alp  Ari     02 07.0    +23 27    2.00     1.15    K2 IIIab            0.049       0.1      78    0.238    127        -14 SB         Calcium weak?                                          Hamal
   bet  Tri     02 09.4    +34 58    3.00     0.14    A5 IV               0.022       1.3      71    0.153    104       +10 SB2
   omi  Cet A   02 19.2     -3 01   2-10v     1.42    M5-10 IIIe          0.024      -0.5     200    0.232    183         +64 V         LPV, 2-10; B: VZ Cet,9.5v,Bpe,1"                        Mira
   alp  UMi A   02 27.9    +89 15    2.0v     0.60    F5-8 Ib             0.007      -2.9     316    0.046     95        -17 SB         low amp Cep,4d; B: 8.2,F3 V,18"                      Polaris
   gam  Cet AB  02 43.2     +3 14    3.47     0.09    A2 Va               0.052       1.4      63    0.203    224          -5 V         A: 3.57; B: 6.23, 3"                            Kaffaljidhma
   the  Eri A   02 58.1    -40 20    3.42     0.14    A5 IV               0.035       1.3      93    0.065    294       +12 SB2         B: 4.35, A1 Va, 8"                                    Acamar
   alp  Cet     03 02.1     +4 04    2.53     1.64    M2 III              0.009      -1.5     200    0.075    189           -26                                                               Menkar
   gam  Per     03 04.5    +53 29    2.93     0.70    G8 III + A2 V       0.016       0.3     100    0.002    180         +3 SB         composite spectrum
   rho  Per     03 05.0    +38 49    3.4v     1.65    M4 II               0.011      -2.6     500    0.165    128           +28         semi regular var: 3.3-4.0
   bet  Per     03 08.0    +40 56    2.1v    -0.05    B8 V + F:           0.045       0.1      92    0.004    124         +4 SB         ecl: 2.12-3.4,2.87d; composite                         Algol
   alp  Per     03 24.1    +49 50    1.79     0.48    F5 Ib               0.016      -5.1     630    0.033    131          -2 V         in cluster                                           Mirphak
   del  Per     03 42.7    +47 46    3.01    -0.13    B5 IIIn             0.016      -2.2     340    0.042    139         +4 SB
   del  Eri     03 43.1     -9 47    3.54     0.92    K0 IV               0.113       3.8      29    0.752    352            -6
   eta  Tau     03 47.4    +24 05    2.87    -0.09    B7 IIIn             0.008      -1.5     450    0.048    157        +10 V?         in Pleiades                                          Alcyone
   gam  Hyi     03 47.3    -74 15    3.24     1.62    M2 III              0.005      -1.1     230    0.128     24           +16
   zet  Per A   03 54.0    +31 52    2.85     0.12    B1 Ib               0.010      -5.8    1100    0.011    146        +20 SB         B: 9.16, B8 V, 13"
   eps  Per A   03 57.6    +40 00    2.89    -0.18    B0.5 IV             0.009      -4.2     740    0.029    145        +1 SB2         B: 7.39, B9.5 V, 9"
   gam  Eri     03 57.9    -13 31    2.95     1.59    M1 IIIb             0.010      -0.7     170    0.124    153           +62         Calcium, Chromium weak                                Zaurak
   lam  Tau A   04 00.5    +12 29    3.5v    -0.12    B3 V                0.002      -1.3     270    0.011    218       +18 SB2         ecl: 3.3-3.8, 3.95d; B: A4 IV
   alp  Ret A   04 14.4    -62 29    3.35     0.91    G8 II-III           0.013      -0.9     230    0.068     43       +36 SB?
  the^2 Tau     04 28.4    +15 52    3.40     0.18    A7 III              0.029       0.1   (150)    0.105    103        +40 SB         in Hyades
   eps  Tau     04 28.6    +19 10    3.53     1.01    K0 III              0.020       0.2   (150)    0.114    108           +39         in Hyades                                                Ain

   alp  Dor AB  04 33.9    -55 03    3.27    -0.10    A0p V:(Si)          0.018       0.0     190    0.051     89           +26         A: 3.8; B: 4.3, B9 IV, 0.2"
   alp  Tau A   04 35.7    +16 30   0.85v     1.54    K5 III              0.054      -0.3      60    0.200    161        +54 SB         var: 0.75-0.95                                     Aldebaran
   pi^3 Ori     04 49.7     +6 58    3.19     0.45    F6 V                0.137       3.9      24    0.463     88       +24 SB2                                                             Hassaleh
   iot  Aur     04 56.8    +33 10    2.69     1.53    K3 II               0.021      -2.0     240    0.018    167           +18         var?
   eps  Aur A   05 01.7    +43 50   3.04v     0.54    A9 Iae + B          0.007      -7.8    2800    0.004    166         -3 SB         ecl: 2.94-3.83, 9892d                                 Al Anz
   eps  Lep     05 05.3    -22 23    3.19     1.46    K4 III              0.011      -0.3     160    0.073    166            +1
   eta  Aur     05 06.3    +41 13    3.17    -0.18    B3 V                0.022      -1.3     250    0.073    157         +7 V?                                                            Hoedus II
   bet  Eri     05 07.7     -5 06    2.79     0.13    A3 IVn              0.050       0.5      65    0.128    231            -9                                                                Kursa
   mu   Lep     05 12.8    -16 13    3.3v    -0.11    B9p IV:(HgMn)       0.023      -0.2     150    0.043    129           +28         var: 2.97-3.36, 2d
   bet  Ori A   05 14.7     -8 13    0.12    -0.03    B8 Ia               0.013      -8.1  (1400)    0.004    236        +21 SB         B: 7.6,B5 V,9"; C: 7.6; BC: 0.1"                       Rigel
   alp  Aur AB  05 16.4    +45 59    0.08     0.80    G6:III + G2:III     0.080      -0.4      43    0.430    169        +30 SB         composite; A: 0.6; B: 1.1, 0.04"                     Capella
   eta  Ori AB  05 24.3     -2 24    3.4v    -0.17    B0.5 V + B          0.007      -3.8  (1400)    0.003    288       +20 SB2         ecl: 3.14-3.35,8d; A: 3.6; B: 5.0, 1.6"
   gam  Ori     05 25.0     +6 20    1.64    -0.22    B2 III              0.029      -3.9  (1400)    0.018    221       +18 SB?                                                            Bellatrix
   bet  Tau     05 26.2    +28 36    1.65    -0.13    B7 III              0.028      -1.5     140    0.178    172          +9 V                                                               Alnath
   bet  Lep A   05 28.2    -20 46    2.84     0.82    G5 II               0.020      -2.1     320    0.090    185           -14         B: 7.4, 2.6"
   del  Ori A   05 31.9     -0 18   2.23v    -0.22    O9.5 II             0.014      -5.8  (1400)    0.002    252        +16 SB         ecl: 1.94-2.13,5.7d                                  Mintaka
   alp  Lep     05 32.7    -17 50    2.58     0.21    F0 Ib               0.007      -5.1    1090    0.006    279           +24                                                                Arneb
   bet  Dor     05 33.6    -62 30    3.8v     0.84    F7-G2 Ib            0.012      -4.1    1119    0.007      8          +7 V         Cepheid: 3.43-4.06, 9.8d
   lam  Ori A   05 35.0     +9 56    3.54    -0.18    O8 III              0.007      -5.8    2200    0.006    191           +34         B: 5.61, B0 V, 4"                                     Meissa
   iot  Ori A   05 35.3     -5 55    2.77    -0.24    O9 III              0.025      -5.6  (1400)    0.005    284       +22 SB2         B: 7.3, B7 IIIp(He wk), 11"                     Nair al Saif
   eps  Ori     05 36.1     -1 12    1.70    -0.19    B0 Ia               0.000      -7.0  (1400)    0.004    236        +26 SB                                                              Alnilam
   zet  Tau     05 37.5    +21 08    3.0v    -0.19    B2 IIIpe(shell)     0.008      -4.0     830    0.023    177        +20 SB         var: 2.90-3.03; B: 5.0, 0.007"
   alp  Col A   05 39.5    -34 05    2.64    -0.12    B7 IV               0.001      -1.1     180    0.026    178        +35 V?                                                                Phaet
   zet  Ori A   05 40.6     -1 57    2.05    -0.21    O9.5 Ib             0.024      -6.2  (1400)    0.002    207        +18 SB         B: 4.2, B0 III, 2.4"                                 Alnitak
   zet  Lep     05 46.9    -14 50    3.55     0.10    A2 Vann             0.049       1.0      97    0.023    263       +20 SB?
   kap  Ori     05 47.7     -9 40    2.06    -0.17    B0.5 Ia             0.015      -7.0  (1400)    0.006    211        +21 V?                                                                Saiph
   bet  Col     05 50.8    -35 46    3.12     1.16    K1.5 III            0.028       0.1     120    0.405      7         +89 V                                                                 Wezn
   alp  Ori     05 55.0     +7 24    0.5v     1.85    M2 Iab              0.005      -7.2  (1400)    0.028     68        +21 SB         var: 0.4-1.3                                      Betelgeuse
   bet  Aur     05 59.3    +44 57   1.90v     0.03    A1 IV               0.041       0.3      55    0.055    269       -18 SB2         ecl: 1.93-2.02, 4d(=mags)                         Menkalinan
   the  Aur AB  05 59.5    +37 13    2.62    -0.08    A0p II:(Si)         0.022       0.0     110    0.097    149        +30 SB         B: 7.2, G2 V, 4"

   eta  Gem     06 14.7    +22 31    3.3v     1.60    M3 III              0.014      -0.7     210    0.068    259        +19 SB         var: 3.3-3.9; B: 8.8, 1.6"                            Propus
   zet  CMa     06 20.1    -30 03    3.02    -0.19    B2.5 V              0.004      -1.6     260    0.006     59        +32 SB                                                               Phurud
   bet  CMa     06 22.6    -17 57    2.0v    -0.23    B1 II-III           0.019      -4.9     750    0.014    253        +34 SB         var: 1.93-2.00, 0.25d                                 Murzim
   mu   Gem     06 22.8    +22 31    2.9v     1.64    M3 IIIab            0.020      -1.1     190    0.125    154           +55         var: 2.76-3.02                               Tejat Posterior
   alp  Car     06 23.8    -52 41   -0.72     0.15    A9 II               0.028      -2.5      74    0.034    50            +21                                                              Canopus
   gam  Gem     06 37.5    +16 25    1.93     0.00    A1 IVs              0.037       0.7      57    0.061    136        -13 SB                                                               Alhena
   nu   Pup     06 37.6    -43 11    3.17    -0.11    B8 IIIn                        -1.2     240    0.010    234        +28 SB
   eps  Gem     06 43.8    +25 09    2.98     1.40    G8 Ib               0.017      -4.2     940    0.016    195        +10 SB                                                              Mebsuta
   xi   Gem     06 45.1    +12 54    3.36     0.43    F5 IV               0.055      -2.4      59    0.224    211        +25 V?                                                               Alzirr
   alp  CMa A   06 45.1    -16 42   -1.46     0.00    A0mA1 Va            0.378       1.4       9    1.324    204         -8 SB         B: 8.5, WDA, 50y, 10"(1980)                           Sirius
   alp  Pic     06 48.3    -61 56    3.27     0.21    A6 Vn               0.052       2.1      63    0.275    345           +21
   tau  Pup     06 49.8    -50 36    2.93     1.20    K1 III                          0.1     100    0.079    157        +36 SB
   eps  CMa A   06 58.4    -28 58    1.50    -0.21    B2 II               D.001      -4.8     570    0.002     27           +27                                                                Adara
   sig  CMa     07 01.5    -27 56    3.5v     1.73    K7 Ib               0.024      -4.0     830    0.008    284           +22         var: 3.43-3.49
  omi^2 CMa     07 03.0    -23 50    3.02    -0.08    B3 Ia                          -6.3    2200    0.007    262        +48 SB
   del  CMa     07 08.2    -26 24    1.84     0.68    F8 Ia               0.000      -8.0    2600    0.008    291        +34 SB                                                                Wezen
   l_2  Pup     07 13.4    -44 38    2.6v     1.56    M5 IIIe             0.022      -1.3     200    0.346     18        +53 V?         Long Period Var: 2.6-6.2                              HR2748
   pi   Pup     07 17.0    -37 06    2.70     1.62    K3 Ib               0.032      -4.0     570    0.012    284           +16
   del  Gem AB  07 20.0    +21 59    3.53     0.34    F0 IV               0.061       2.2      53    0.029    241         +4 SB         B: 8.2, K3 V, 0.2"                                     Wasat
   eta  CMa     07 23.9    -29 18    2.45    -0.08    B5 Ia                          -7.0    2500    0.008    284         +41 V                                                               Aludra
   bet  CMi     07 27.0     +8 18    2.90    -0.09    B8 V                0.019       0.1     110    0.065    233        +22 SB                                                              Gomeisa
   sig  Pup A   07 29.1    -43 18    3.25     1.51    K5 III              0.020      -0.3     160    0.195    342        +88 SB         B: 8.6, G5: V, 22"
   alp  Gem A   07 34.4    +31 54    1.94     0.03    A1mA2 Va            0.067       1.2      49    0.199    239         +6 SB         AB: 3" separation                                     Castor
   alp  Gem B   07 34.5    +31 54    2.92     0.04    A2mA5 V:            0.067       1.4      49    0.199    239         -1 SB         BA: 3" separation                                     Castor
   alp  CMi A   07 39.2     +5 14    0.38     0.42    F5 IV-V             0.292       2.7      11    1.248    214         -3 SB         B: 10.3, 4"                                          Procyon
   bet  Gem     07 45.2    +28 02    1.14     1.00    K0 IIIb             0.094       0.7      35    0.629    265          +3 V                                                               Pollux
   xi   Pup     07 49.3    -24 51    3.34     1.24    G6 Ia               0.003      -7.2     800    0.033    240         +3 SB
   chi  Car     07 56.7    -52 58    3.47    -0.18    B3 IVp(note)        0.004      -2.4     470    0.042    306         +19 V         Si II strong
   zet  Pup     08 03.4    -39 59    2.25    -0.26    O5 Iafn                        -6.8    2000    0.033    290        -24 V?                                                                 Naos
   rho  Pup     08 07.5    -24 17    2.8v     0.43    F2mF5 II:(var)      0.035      -2.0     280    0.100    299        +46 SB         delta Del spec; var: 2.68-2.78, 0.14d

  gam^2 Vel     08 09.4    -47 19    1.8v    -0.22    WC8 + O9 I:         0.017      -6.7    1500    0.007    304       +35 SB2         var: 1.6-1.8, 154s                          Suhail al Muhlif
   bet  Cnc     08 16.3     +9 12    3.52     1.48    K4 III              0.012      -0.2     160    0.068    220           +22                                                               Altarf
   eps  Car     08 22.4    -59 30   1.86v     1.28    K3:III + B2:V                  -0.1      79    0.030    301            +2         ecl? 3.1-3.4p, 785d                                    Avior
   omi  UMa A   08 30.0    +60 44    3.4v     0.84    G5 III              0.009       0.5     120    0.171    230           +20         var: 3.3-3.8, 358d
   del  Vel AB  08 44.6    -54 41    1.96     0.04    A1 Va               0.051       0.7      64    0.082    164         +2 V?         B: 5.0, 2"
   eps  Hya ABC 08 46.6     +6 26    3.38     0.68    G5:III + A:         0.027       0.5     150    0.198    254        +36 SB         composite A: 3.8; B: 4.7, 0.2"; C: 7.8,3"
   zet  Hya     08 55.2     +5 58    3.11     1.00    G9 II-III           0.035      -1.0     220    0.101    277           +23
   iot  UMa A   08 59.0    +48 04    3.14     0.19    A7 IVn              0.075       1.7      43    0.501    242         +9 SB         BC: 10.8, M1 V, 4"                                   Talitha
   lam  Vel     09 07.8    -43 24   2.21v     1.66    K4 Ib-IIa           0.022      -3.3     330    0.026    299           +18         var: 2.14-2.22                                        Suhail
   a    Car     09 10.9    -58 56    3.44    -0.19    B2 IV-V                        -2.6     500    0.028    283       +23 SB2         ecl: 3.2-3.6, 6.7d                                    HR3659
   bet  Car     09 13.2    -69 41    1.68     0.00    A1 III              0.021       0.2      64    0.183    304        -5 V?                                                           Miaplacidus
   iot  Car     09 17.0    -59 16    2.2v     0.18    A7 Ib               0.017      -5.0     300    0.019    285          +13          var: 2.2-2.5                                          Turais
   alp  Lyn     09 20.9    +34 24    3.13     1.55    K7 IIIab            0.025      -0.5     170    0.223    273          +38
   kap  Vel     09 22.0    -55 00    2.50    -0.18    B2 IV-V             0.013      -3.3     430    0.012    315       +22 SB
   alp  Hya     09 27.5     -8 39    1.98     1.44    K3 II-III           0.022      -1.0     110    0.034    327        -4 V?                                                               Alphard
   N    Vel     09 31.0    -57 01    3.13     1.55    K5 III              0.022      -0.3     150    0.034    268          -14                                                                HR3803
   the  UMa     09 32.7    +51 42    3.17     0.46    F6 IV               0.068       2.6      48    1.094    240       +15 SB
   omi  Leo AB  09 41.0     +9 54    3.52     0.49    F5 II + A5?         0.034      -2.3     590    0.149    254       +27 SB          A: occ.bin.(=mags)                                     Subra
   l    Car     09 45.2    -62 30    3.8v     0.14    F9-G5 Ib            0.027      -5.7    1964    0.016    281         +4 V          Cepheid var: 3.39-4.12, 35.5d                         HR3884
   eps  Leo     09 45.7    +23 47    2.98     0.80    G1 II               0.010      -2.3     350    0.048    252        +4 V?                                                  Ras Elased Australis
   ups  Car AB  09 46.9    -65 03    3.01     0.28    A6 II               0.027      -5.1    1100    0.012    305          +14          B: 6.26, B7 III, 5"
   phi  Vel     09 56.7    -54 33    3.54    -0.08    B5 Ib                          -5.4    1900    0.013    293          +14
   eta  Leo     10 07.2    +16 47    3.52    -0.03    A0 Ib               0.003      -5.2    1800    0.006    189         +3 V          B: 4.5, 0.1"
   alp  Leo A   10 08.2    +12 00    1.35    -0.11    B7 Vn               0.045      -0.3      69    0.248    271        +6 SB                                                               Regulus
   ome  Car     10 13.6    -70 01    3.32    -0.08    B8 IIIn                        -1.2     250    0.032    275         +7 V
   zet  Leo     10 16.5    +23 26    3.44     0.31    F0 IIIa             0.017      -0.1      77    0.023    124       -16 SB                                                              Adhafera
   lam  UMa     10 17.0    +42 56    3.45     0.03    A1 IV               0.030       1.0     100    0.170    255        +18 V                                                        Tania Borealis
   q    Car     10 16.9    -61 19    3.4v     1.54    K3 IIa              0.027      -3.0      35    0.027    276           +8          var: 3.36-3.42                                        HR4050
   gam  Leo A   10 19.8    +19 52    2.61     1.15    K1 IIIb Fe-0.5      0.022       0.7      76    0.342    116       -37 SB          AB: 5" separation                                    Algieba
   gam  Leo B   10 19.8    +19 52    3.47     1.10    G7 III Fe-1         0.022       0.8      76    0.358    119        -36 V          BA: 5" separation
   mu   UMa     10 22.2    +41 31    3.05     1.59    M0 IIIp             0.035      -0.7     170    0.088    290       -21 SB          Ca II emission                               Tania Australis
   p    Car     10 31.8    -61 40    3.3v    -0.09    B4 Vne                         -1.1     220    0.021    287          +26          var: 3.27-3.37                                        HR4140
   the  Car     10 42.8    -64 22    2.76    -0.22    B0.5 Vp                        -3.5     540    0.022    291       +24 SB          Nitrogen enhanced
   mu   Vel AB  10 46.7    -49 24    2.69     0.90    G5 III + F8:V       D.022       0.8      75    0.085    125        +6 SB          B: 6.4, 2"
   nu   Hya     10 49.5    -16 10    3.11     1.25    K2 III              0.028       0.1     110    0.215     24           -1
   bet  UMa     11 01.7    +56 24    2.37    -0.02    A0mA1 IV-V          0.053       0.7      62    0.087     70       -12 SB                                                                 Merak
   alp  UMa AB  11 03.6    +61 46    1.79     1.07    K0 IIIa             0.038      -0.8     100    0.138    239        -9 SB          A: 1.86, B: 4.8, A8 V, <1"                             Dubhe
   psi  UMa     11 09.5    +44 31    3.01     1.14    K1 III                          0.2     110    0.075    245           -4
   del  Leo     11 14.0    +20 33    2.56     0.12    A4 IV               0.048       0.7      51    0.197    133        -20 V                                                                 Zosma
   the  Leo     11 14.0    +15 27    3.34    -0.01    A2 IV(K var)        0.026       0.5      80    0.104    216         +8 V                                                                 Chort
   nu   UMa     11 18.3    +33 07    3.48     1.40    K3 III Ba0.3        0.020       0.0     130    0.036    309        -9 SB          B: 9.5, 7"                                    Alula Borealis
   xi   Hya     11 32.9    -31 50    3.54     0.94    G7 III              0.027       0.4     130    0.211    259         -5 V
   lam  Cen     11 35.7    -63 00    3.13    -0.04    B9.5 IIn                       -3.0     170    0.039    258         -1 V
   bet  Leo     11 48.9    +14 36    2.14     0.09    A3 Va               0.082       1.5      40    0.511    257          0 V                                                              Denebola
   gam  UMa     11 53.7    +53 43    2.44     0.00    A0 Van              0.028       0.5      80    0.094     86       -13 SB                                                                  Phad
   del  Cen     12 08.2    -50 42    2.6v    -0.12    B2 IVne             0.026      -3.1     370    0.034    249        +11 V          var: 2.51-2.65
   eps  Crv     12 10.0    -22 36    3.00     1.33    K2 III              0.027      -0.8     180    0.073    278           +5                                                                Minkar
   del  Cru     12 15.0    -58 43   2.80v    -0.23    B2 IV               0.003      -3.1     490    0.039    255       +22 V?          var: 2.25-2.31p, 3.7h
   del  UMa     12 15.3    +57 03    3.31     0.08    A2 Van              0.061       1.2      53    0.102     88        -13 V                                                                Megrez
   gam  Crv     12 15.7    -17 31    2.59    -0.11    B8 III                         -1.2     190    0.163    276        -4 SB          sp. var?                                       Gienah Ghurab
   alp  Cru A   12 26.4    -63 04    1.33    -0.24    B0.5 IV             D.008      -4.2     510    0.030    236       -11 SB          AB: 5"                                                 Acrux
   alp  Cru B   12 26.4    -63 04    1.73    -0.26    B1 Vn               D.008      -3.2     510    0.031    248           -1          BA: 5"
   del  Crv A   12 29.7    -16 29    2.95    -0.05    B9.5 IVn            0.024      -0.3     150    0.255    236         +9 V          B: 8.26, K2 V, 24"                                   Algorab
   gam  Cru     12 31.0    -57 05   1.63v     1.59    M3.5 III                       -1.2     120    0.269    174          +21          var: 1.6-1.9                                          Gacrux
   bet  Crv     12 34.2    -23 22    2.65     0.89    G5 II               0.034      -2.3     310    0.059    179           -8                                                                  Kraz
   alp  Mus     12 37.0    -69 07   2.69v    -0.20    B2 IV-V                        -2.5     340    0.043    248        +13 V          var: 2.17-2.24p, 2h
   gam  Cen A   12 41.3    -48 56    2.87    -0.03    A1 IV               0.016       0.0     190    0.190    268        -6 SB          AB: 5"
   gam  Cen B   12 41.3    -48 56    2.96     0.01    A0 IV               0.016       0.1     190    0.190    268        -6 SB          BA: 5"
   gam  Vir AB  12 41.5     -1 26    2.76     0.36    F1 V + F0mF2 V      0.099       2.6      31    0.567    271       -20 SB          A: 3.48, B: 3.50, 4"                                 Porrima
   bet  Mus AB  12 46.1    -68 05    3.05    -0.18    B2 V + B2.5 V       D.015      -1.9     520    0.041    233        +42 V          A: 3.58, B: 4.10, 1"

   bet  Cru     12 47.6    -59 40    1.2v    -0.23    B0.5 III                       -4.7     460    0.042    246       +16 SB          var: 1.23-1.31, 0.7d?                                 Becrux
   eps  UMa     12 54.0    +56 00    1.8v    -0.02    A0p IV:(CrEu)       0.009       0.3      65    0.109     95       -9 SB?          var: 1.76-1.79, 5.1d                                  Alioth
   del  Vir     12 55.4     +3 25    3.38     1.58    M3 III              0.022      -1.2     270    0.474    263       -18 V?                                                                  Auva
  alp^2 CVn A   12 55.9    +38 20    2.9v    -0.12    A0p II:(SiEu)       0.027       0.0     130    0.242    282         -3 V          B: 5.6, F0 V, 20"                                 Cor Caroli
   eps  Vir     13 02.1    +10 59    2.83     0.94    G9 IIIab            0.043       0.3     100    0.274    274          -14                                                          Vindamiatrix
   gam  Hya     13 18.7    -23 09    3.00     0.92    G8 IIIa             0.027      -0.8     190    0.081    127        -5 V?
   iot  Cen     13 20.4    -36 41    2.75     0.04    A2 Va               0.062       1.4      53    0.351    255            0
   zet  UMa A   13 23.7    +54 58    2.27     0.02    A1 Va               0.047       0.7      74    0.122    102       -6 SB2          B: 3.94, A1mA7 IV V, 14"                               Mizar
   alp  Vir     13 25.0    -11 08    1.0v    -0.23    B1 V                0.023      -3.2     220    0.054    232       +1 SB2          var: 0.97-1.04; mult. 3.1,4.5,7.5                      Spica
   zet  Vir     13 34.6     -0 35    3.37     0.11    A2 IV               0.044       1.4      79    0.287    277          -13                                                                  Heze
   eps  Cen     13 39.7    -53 27    2.3v    -0.22    B1 III                         -4.4     670    0.028    232           +3
   eta  UMa     13 47.2    +49 21    1.86    -0.19    B3 V                0.035      -1.3     140    0.127    264      -11 SB?                                                                Alkaid
   nu   Cen     13 49.4    -41 40    3.41    -0.22    B2 IV                          -3.1     640    0.035    227        +9 SB
   mu   Cen     13 49.5    -42 27    3.0v    -0.17    B2 IV-V pne                    -2.5     380    0.034    220        +9 SB          variable shell: 2.92-3.43
   eta  Boo     13 54.6    +18 25    2.68     0.58    G0 IV               0.108       2.8      31    0.370    190         0 SB                                                                Mufrid
   zet  Cen     13 55.4    -47 16    2.55    -0.22    B2.5 IV                        -2.7     370    0.072    232       +7 SB2
   bet  Cen AB  14 03.6    -60 21    0.6v    -0.23    B1 III              0.009      -4.4     320    0.030    221        +6 SB          var: 0.61-0.68; B: 3.9, 1"                             Hadar
   pi   Hya     14 06.2    -26 40    3.27     1.12    K2 IIIb             0.049       0.7      67    0.049    163          +27
   the  Cen     14 06.6    -36 21    2.06     1.01    K0 IIIb             0.065       0.7      50    0.738    225           +1                                                               Menkent
   alp  Boo     14 15.6    +19 12   -0.04     1.23    K1.5 III Fe 0.5     0.097       0.2      34    2.281    209        -5 V?          high space velocity                                 Arcturus
   iot  Lup     14 19.2    -46 03    3.55    -0.18    B2.5 IVn                       -2.7     550    0.014    266          +22
   gam  Boo     14 31.9    +38 19    3.03     0.19    A7 IV               0.025       1.9      53    0.189    322        -37 V                                                               Seginus
   eta  Cen     14 35.3    -42 09    2.3v    -0.19    B1.5 IV pne                    -3.5     450    0.049    226         0 SB          variable shell
   alp  Cen B   14 39.5    -60 50    1.33     0.88    K1 V                0.750       5.7       4    3.678    281       -21 V?          BA: 21"; C: Proxima, 12.4, M5e, 2
   alp  Cen A   14 39.5    -60 49   -0.01     0.71    G2 V                0.750       4.4       4    3.678    281       -25 SB          AB: 21"                                      Rigil Kentaurus
   alp  Lup     14 41.7    -47 23    2.3v    -0.20    B1.5 III                       -4.1     580    0.026    220        +5 SB          var: 2.28 2.31, 0.26d
   alp  Cir     14 42.2    -64 58    3.19     0.24    A7p (Sr)            0.056       2.0      58    0.302    218       +7 SB?          B: 8.6, K5 V, 16"
   eps  Boo AB  14 44.8    +27 05    2.37     0.97    K0 II-III+A0 V      0.016      -1.0     160    0.054    289        -17 V          A: 2.70; B: 5.12, 3"                                    Izar
   alp  Lib A   14 50.7    -16 01    2.75     0.15    A3 III-IV           0.050       1.2      65    0.130    237       -23 SB                                                        Zuben Elgenubi
   bet  UMi     14 50.7    +74 11    2.08     1.47    K4 III              0.039      -0.2      83    0.036    286        +17 V                                                                 Kocab

   bet  Lup     14 58.3    -43 07    2.68    -0.22    B2 IV                          -3.1     460    0.057    221         0 SB
   kap  Cen     14 59.0    -42 05    3.13    -0.20    B2 V                           -1.9     320    0.033    215        +8 SB
   bet  Boo     15 01.7    +40 25    3.50     0.97    G8 IIIa(note)       0.037      -0.8     230    0.056    235          -20          Ba 0.4, Fe -0.5                                       Nekkar
   sig  Lib     15 03.8    -25 15    3.3v     1.70    M2.5 III            0.064      -1.0      51    0.087    237           -4          var: 3.20-3.36                                      Brachium
   zet  Lup     15 12.0    -52 05    3.41     0.92    G8 III              0.043       0.3     130    0.128    237          -10
   del  Boo     15 15.3    +33 20    3.47     0.95    G8 III Fe-1         0.030       0.3     140    0.143    144       -12 SB
   bet  Lib     15 16.8     -9 22    2.61    -0.11    B8 IIIn             0.000      -2.1     100    0.101    275       -35 SB                                                      Zuben Elschemali
   gam  TrA     15 18.6    -68 39    2.89     0.00    A1 IIIn             0.010       0.2     110    0.067    243         -3 V
   gam  UMi     15 20.7    +71 51    3.05     0.05    A3 III              0.003       0.4     110    0.031    308         -4 V                                                               Pherkad
   del  Lup     15 21.2    -40 38    3.2v    -0.22    B1.5 IVn                       -3.4     650    0.036    207         0 V?
   eps  Lup AB  15 22.5    -44 40    3.37    -0.18    B2 IV V             D.009      -2.5     510    0.024    232       +8 SB2          A: 3.5; B: 5.0, <1"
   iot  Dra     15 24.8    +58 59    3.29     1.16    K2 III              0.040       0.1     140    0.020    311          -11                                                              Ed Asich
   alp  CrB     15 34.6    +26 44    2.2v    -0.02    A0 IV(composite)    0.045       0.3      78    0.151    127        +2 SB          ecl: 2.21-2.32, 17.4d                               Alphekka
   gam  Lup AB  15 34.9    -41 09    2.78    -0.20    B2 IVn              D.008      -3.1     650    0.035    207         +2 V          A: 3.5; B: 3.6, <1"; similar spectra
   alp  Ser     15 44.1     +6 26    2.65     1.17    K2 IIIb CN1         0.053       0.7      62    0.143     72        +3 V?          var?                                               Unukalhai
   mu   Ser     15 49.5     -3 25    3.53    -0.04    A0 III              0.007       0.0     170    0.094    253        -9 SB
   bet  TrA     15 54.8    -63 25    2.85     0.29    F0 IV               0.083       2.2      39    0.438    205            0
   pi   Sco A   15 58.8    -26 06    2.89    -0.19    B1 V + B2 V         0.010      -3.2   (522)    0.028    198       -3 SB2          A: occ.bin: 3.4 + 4.5, 0.0003" sep.
   T    CrB     15 59.3    +25 56    2.0v     0.10    gM3: + Bep                     -1.0    8200    0.013    327       -29 SB          recurrent nova 1866, 1946; now V=11
   eta  Lup A   15 59.9    -38 23    3.41    -0.22    B2.5 IVn            D.008      -2.7     550    0.040    213         +8 V          A: 3.47, B: 7.70, 15"
   del  Sco AB  16 00.2    -22 37    2.32    -0.12    B0.3 IV                        -4.4   (522)    0.027    202        -7 SB          AB:mult<1";C:4.9,B2IV-V,8"                          Dschubba
   bet  Sco AB  16 05.2    -19 48    2.62    -0.07    B0.5 V              0.009      -3.5   (522)    0.022    196        -1 SB          A: 2.78; B: 5.04, 1"; C: 4.93, 14"                  Graffias
   del  Oph     16 14.2     -3 41    2.74     1.58    M1 III              0.034      -0.8     160    0.153    198        -20 V                                                             Yed Prior
   eps  Oph     16 18.2     -4 41    3.24     0.96    G9.5 IIIb           0.043       0.7     130    0.089     64        -10 V                                                         Yed Posterior
   sig  Sco A   16 21.0    -25 35    2.9v     0.13    B1 III                         -4.4   (522)    0.025    201        +3 SB          var: 2.94-3.06,0.25d; B: 8.3, B9 V, 20"
   eta  Dra A   16 23.9    +61 31    2.74     0.91    G8 IIIab            0.051       0.3      64    0.064    338      -14 SB?          B: 8.7, 6"
   alp  Sco A   16 29.3    -26 26    0.9v     1.83    M1.5 Iab            0.024      -5.2   (522)    0.024    197        -3 SB          B: 5.37, B2.5 V, 3"                                  Antares
   bet  Her     16 30.2    +21 30    2.77     0.94    G7 IIIa             0.024      -0.8     170    0.100    260       -26 SB                                                           Kornephoros
   tau  Sco     16 35.7    -28 13    2.82    -0.25    B0 V                0.020      -4.0   (522)    0.026    198         +2 V
   zet  Oph     16 37.0    -10 34    2.56     0.02    O9.5 Vn             0.003      -4.2   (522)    0.026     28        -15 V

   zet  Her AB  16 41.1    +31 36    2.81     0.65    G1 IV               0.102       3.0      31    0.614    310       -70 SB          A: 2.90; B: 5.53, G7 V, 1.1"
   eta  Her     16 42.7    +38 56    3.53     0.92    G7.5 IIIb Fe-1      0.034       0.7     120    0.089    158        +8 V?
   alp  TrA     16 48.2    -69 02    1.92     1.44    K2 IIb-IIIa         0.031      -1.0     110    0.044    141           -3                                                                 Atria
   eps  Sco     16 50.0    -34 17    2.29     1.15    K2 III              0.022       0.1      89    0.661    247           -3
   mu^1 Sco     16 51.7    -38 03    3.1v    -0.20    B1.5 IVn                       -3.5     610    0.031    202      -25 SB2          ecl: 2.80-3.08, 1.4d
   kap  Oph     16 57.6     +9 22    3.20     1.15    K2 III              0.031       0.1     140    0.293    268          -56
   zet  Ara     16 58.3    -55 59    3.13     1.60    K4 III              0.044      -0.2     110    0.037    200           -6
   zet  Dra     17 08.8    +65 44    3.17    -0.12    B6 III              0.023      -1.8     310    0.033    310        -17 V                                                              Aldhibah
   eta  Oph AB  17 10.2    -15 43    2.43     0.06    A2.5 Va             0.052       1.4      63    0.102     22        -1 SB          A: 3.0; B: 3.5, A3 V, 1"                               Sabik
   eta  Sco     17 11.9    -43 14    3.33     0.41    F2p V:(Cr)          0.062       2.7      53    0.286    175          -27
   alp  Her AB  17 14.6    +14 24    3.1v     1.44    M5 Ib-II            0.000      -3.2     630    0.035    348        -33 V          var: 3.0-4.0; B: 5.4, 5"                         Ras Algethi
   del  Her     17 14.9    +24 51    3.14     0.08    A1 Vann             0.044       0.7      94    0.159    188       -40 SB          B: 8.8, 9"                                             Sarin
   pi   Her     17 14.9    +36 49    3.16     1.44    K3 IIab             0.025      -2.0     330    0.029    276          -26
   the  Oph     17 21.9    -24 59    3.3v    -0.22    B2 IV                          -3.1     610    0.021    188        -2 SB          occ.bin: 3.4, 5.4; var: 3.25-3.29, 0.14d
   bet  Ara     17 25.0    -55 31    2.85     1.46    K3 Ib-IIa           0.034      -3.5     580    0.024    182            0
   gam  Ara A   17 25.1    -56 22    3.34    -0.13    B1 Ib                          -5.8    2000    0.011    170         -3 V          broad lines for Ib; B: 10.0, 18"
   ups  Sco     17 30.6    -37 17    2.69    -0.22    B2 IV               0.000      -3.1     460    0.032    182         8 SB
   bet  Dra A   17 30.3    +52 19    2.79     0.98    G2 Ib-IIa           0.013      -3.5     490    0.026    301        -20 V          B: 11.5, 4"                                         Restaban
   alp  Ara     17 31.6    -49 52    2.95    -0.17    B2 Vne              0.007      -1.9     280    0.075    199         0 SB
   lam  Sco     17 33.4    -37 06    1.6v    -0.22    B1.5 IV                        -3.5     330    0.029    178       -3 SB2          var: 1.59-1.65, 0.21d                                 Shaula
   alp  Oph     17 34.9    +12 34    2.08     0.15    A5 Vnn              0.067       0.7      49    0.255    157      +13 SB?                                                            Rasalhague
   the  Sco     17 37.1    -43 00    1.87     0.40    F1 III              0.027      -2.4     200    0.016     90           +1                                                                Sargas
   xi   Ser     17 37.4    -15 24    3.54     0.26    F0 IIIb             0.030       1.8      73    0.076    216       -43 SB
   kap  Sco     17 42.3    -39 02    2.4v    -0.22    B1.5 III                       -4.2     650    0.030    194       -14 SB          var: 2.39-2.42, 0.2d
   bet  Oph     17 43.3     +4 34    2.77     1.16    K2 III              0.033       0.1     110    0.164    345        -12 V                                                              Cebalrai
   mu   Her A   17 46.2    +27 44    3.42     0.75    G5 IV               0.133       4.0      25    0.808    202        -16 V          BC: 9.78, 33"
  iot^1 Sco     17 47.4    -40 07    3.03     0.51    F2 Ia               0.019      -8.0    3500    0.006    171       -28 SB
   G    Sco     17 49.6    -37 02    3.21     1.17    K2 III              0.040       0.1     130    0.064     58          +25                                                                HR6630
   gam  Dra     17 56.5    +51 29    2.23     1.52    K5 III              0.025      -0.3     100    0.025    213          -28                                                                Etamin
   nu   Oph     17 58.8     -9 46    3.34     0.99    G9.5 IIIa           0.021       0.2     140    0.118    184          +13

  gam^2 Sgr     18 05.6    -30 25    2.99     1.00    K0 III              0.025       0.2     120    0.192    196       +22 SB                                                                  Nash
   eta  Sgr A   18 17.4    -36 46    3.11v    1.56    M3.5 IIIab          0.045      -1.0     210    0.210    218        +1 V?          var: 3.08-3.12; B: 8.33, G8: IV:, 4"
   del  Sgr     18 20.8    -29 50    2.70     1.38    K2.5 IIIa           0.047      -0.8     140    0.050    127          -20                                                     Kaus Meridionalis
   eta  Ser     18 21.2     -2 54    3.26     0.94    K0 III-IV           0.058       1.8      56    0.890    218        +9 V?
   eps  Sgr     18 24.0    -34 23    1.85    -0.03    A0 II:n(shell?)     0.023      -2.0      76    0.129    194          -15                                                        Kaus Australis
   alp  Tel     18 26.7    -45 58    3.51    -0.17    B3 IV                          -2.4     480    0.048    198         0 V?
   lam  Sgr     18 27.8    -25 26    2.81     1.04    K1 IIIb             0.053       0.7      62    0.190    193          -43                                                         Kaus Borealis
   alp  Lyr     18 36.8    +38 46    0.03     0.00    A0 Va               0.133       0.6      25    0.348     35        -14 V                                                                  Vega
   phi  Sgr     18 45.5    -27 00    3.17    -0.11    B8 III                         -1.0     220    0.052     89       +22 SB          similar companion, 0.1"
   bet  Lyr     18 49.9    +33 21    3.4v     0.00    B7 Vpe (shell)      0.000      -0.3     150    0.002    180       -19 SB          ecl: 3.34-4.34, 12.9d                                Sheliak
   sig  Sgr     18 55.1    -26 19    2.02    -0.22    B3 IV                          -2.6     170    0.056    166        -11 V                                                                 Nunki
   xi^2 Sgr     18 57.6    -21 07    3.51     1.18    K1 III              0.011       0.1     130    0.035    111          -20
   gam  Lyr     18 58.7    +32 41    3.24    -0.05    B9 II               0.021      -0.6     190    0.007    288        -21 V                                                              Sulaphat
   zet  Sgr AB  19 02.4    -29 53    2.60     0.08    A2 IV V + A4:V:     0.025       1.4      74    0.014    266       +22 SB          A: 3.2; B: 3.5, <1"                                  Ascella
   zet  Aql A   19 05.3    +13 52    2.99     0.01    A0 Vann             0.045       0.3     110    0.095    184       -25 SB
   lam  Aql     19 06.1     -4 53    3.44    -0.09    B9 Vnp (kB7HeA0)    0.032       0.6     120    0.090    193        -12 V
   tau  Sgr     19 06.8    -27 40    3.32     1.19    K1.5 IIIb           0.044       0.7      92    0.255    192       +45 SB
   pi   Sgr ABC 19 09.6    -21 01    2.89     0.35    F2 II III           0.026      -1.0     480    0.035    180          -10          A: 3.7; B: 3.8; C: 6.0, <1"                         Albaldah
   del  Dra     19 12.6    +67 40    3.07     1.00    G9 III              0.032       0.3     110    0.130     44          +25                                                        Nodus Secundus
   del  Aql     19 25.4     +3 07    3.36     0.32    F2 IV               0.072       2.2      45    0.267     72       -30 SB
   bet  Cyg A   19 30.5    +27 57    3.08     1.13    K3 II + B9.5 V      0.017      -2.2     380    0.002    153        -24 V          B: 5.11, 35"; C:  m=1.5, 0.4"                        Albireo
   del  Cyg AB  19 44.8    +45 07    2.87    -0.03    B9.5 III            0.030      -0.3     140    0.069     45       -20 SB          B: 6.4, F1 V, 2"
   gam  Aql     19 46.1    +10 36    2.72     1.52    K3 II               0.016      -2.2     270    0.016     83         -2 V                                                               Tarazed
   alp  Aql     19 50.7    + 8 51    0.77     0.22    A7 Vnn              0.202       2.3      16    0.662     54          -26                                                                Altair
   eta  Aql     19 52.3    + 1 00    3.9v     0.83    F6-G1 Ib            0.010      -3.7     868    0.009    131       -15 SB          Cepheid var: 3.53-4.33, 7.2d
   gam  Sge     19 58.7    +19 29    3.47     1.57    M0 III              0.013      -0.7     220    0.070     69          -33
   the  Aql     20 11.2     -0 50    3.23    -0.07    B9.5 III            0.012      -0.3     170    0.037     79      -27 SB2
   bet  Cap A   20 20.8    -14 48    3.08     0.79    K0: II: + A5: V:n   0.010      -2.2     560    0.039     86       -19 SB          A: mult: 4.0+4.3+4.8+6.7, <1"                          Dabih
   gam  Cyg     20 22.0    +40 14    2.20     0.68    F8 Ib               0.003      -5.1     800    0.001     27           -8                                                                  Sadr
   alp  Pav     20 25.4    -56 45    1.94    -0.20    B2.5 V                         -1.6     150    0.087    169        +2 SB                                                               Peacock

   alp  Ind     20 37.3    -47 19    3.11     1.00    K0 III CN-1         0.046       0.2     120    0.090     39           -1
   alp  Cyg     20 41.3    +45 16    1.25     0.09    A2 Ia               0.000      -7.2    1500    0.005     11         -5 V                                                                 Deneb
   bet  Pav     20 44.6    -66 13    3.42     0.16    A6 IV               0.035       1.5      79    0.041    295          +10
   eta  Cep     20 45.2    +61 49    3.43     0.92    K0 IV               0.076       3.1      43    0.827      6          -87
   eps  Cyg     20 46.0    +33 57    2.46     1.03    K0 III              0.057       0.2      57    0.484     47       -11 SB
   zet  Cyg     21 12.9    +30 12    3.20     0.99    G8 IIIa Ba 0.6      0.027      -0.8     200    0.052    181       +17 SB
   alp  Cep     21 18.4    +62 34    2.44     0.22    A7 Van              0.068       2.0      48    0.159     71        -10 V                                                             Alderamin
   bet  Cep     21 28.6    +70 33    3.2v    -0.22    B1 III              0.014      -4.4    1000    0.016     38        -8 SB          var: 3.16-3.27, 0.2d; B: 7.8, 13"                    Alphirk
   bet  Aqr     21 31.4     -5 35    2.91     0.83    G0 Ib               0.006      -5.0     710    0.020    105           +7                                                             Sadalsuud
   eps  Peg     21 44.0     +9 51    2.4v     1.53    K2 Ib               0.006      -4.0     470    0.030     81         +5 V          var: 0.7-3.5 (flare in 1972)                            Enif
   del  Cap     21 46.9    -16 09    2.9v     0.29    A3mF2 IV:           0.087       1.5      37    0.394    138        -6 SB          var: 2.83-3.05, 1d; occ.bin: 3.2 + 5.2
   gam  Gru     21 53.8    -37 23    3.01    -0.12    B8 IV-Vs            0.013      -0.5     230    0.104     99        -2 V?
   alp  Aqr     22 05.6     -0 20    2.96     0.98    G2 Ib               0.012      -5.0     680    0.016    104        +8 V?                                                            Sadalmelik
   alp  Gru     22 08.0    -47 00    1.74    -0.13    B7 Vn               0.057      -0.5      57    0.198    139          +12                                                               Al Nair
   the  Peg     22 10.1     +6 11    3.53     0.08    A2mA1 IV-V          0.049       1.4      82    0.277     83       -6 SB2                                                                 Baham
   zet  Cep     22 10.7    +58 11    3.35     1.57    K1.5 Ib             0.017      -4.0     750    0.015     58       -18 SB
   alp  Tuc     22 18.3    -60 17    2.86     1.39    K3 III              0.026       0.0     100    0.071    237       +42 SB
   del  Cep A   22 29.0    +58 24    4.0v     0.71    F5 G2 Ib            0.011      -3.3     815    0.012     67       -16 SB          Cepheid variable: 3.55-4.41, 5.4d
   zet  Peg     22 41.3    +10 49    3.40    -0.09    B8.5 III            0.023      -1.0     140    0.080     96        +7 V?                                                                 Homam
   bet  Gru     22 42.5    -46 54    2.1v     1.60    M5 III              0.008      -1.0     140    0.138     92           +2          var: 2.0-2.3
   eta  Peg     22 42.8    +30 12    2.94     0.86    G8 II + F0 V        0.017      -2.1     330    0.025    148        +4 SB                                                                 Matar
   eps  Gru     22 48.4    -51 20    3.49     0.08    A2 Va               0.044       1.0      97    0.126    120          0 V
   iot  Cep     22 49.5    +66 11    3.52     1.05    K0 III              0.041       0.2     140    0.137    209          -12
   mu   Peg     22 49.9    +24 35    3.48     0.93    G8 III              0.040       0.3     140    0.152    104          +14
   del  Aqr     22 54.6    -15 51    3.27     0.05    A3 V: (weak 4481)   0.038       1.2      85    0.047    242        +18 V                                                                  Skat
   alp  PsA     22 57.5    -29 39    1.16     0.09    A3 Va               0.149       2.0      22    0.373    116           +7                                                             Fomalhaut
   bet  Peg     23 03.7    +28 04    2.4v     1.67    M2 II-III           0.022      -2.0     220    0.236     53         +9 V          var: 2.31-2.74                                        Scheat
   alp  Peg     23 04.6    +15 11    2.49    -0.04    A0 III-IV           0.038       0.1      74    0.073    121        -4 SB                                                                Markab
   gam  Cep     23 39.3    +77 36    3.21     1.03    K1 III-IV           0.068       1.5      48    0.168    337          -42                                                                 Alrai