Please visit the International Supernovae Network (I.S.N.) web pages.
Supernova 2000E in the spiral galaxy NGC 6951 located in
the Cepheus constellation (position 2000: R.A. = 20h 37m 12s, Decl. = +66° 06.0m ).
Photos of
SN2000E have been taken by Zorko Vičar and Peter Mihor
3rd of February 2000, at 21:12 UTC with CCD ST7, exposure:40s,
telescope SC 10", f/10", city Ljubljana, state Slovenia.
We estimate CCD magnitude near value 14.
Image is nothing special
but it is interesting that image has been done from city Ljubljana,
where light pollution is very strong. So CCD astronomy can also
live in the city.
Below, AAVSO chart, see also:
Number of visits
Secondary school
Gimnazija Šentvid-Ljubljana (astronomical group):
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