Galerija ccd posnetkov, supernove
Potrditev supernov
(Confirmation of the supernova)
visit the International Supernovae Network
(I.S.N.) web pages and
(An International Mailing List of Variable Stars)
For photometry see
Photometry Reference Images !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A supernova (SN2000E)
was discovered on Jan 26 with
the Teramo 0.72-m TNT telescope in the spiral galaxy NGC 6951 located in
the Cepheus constellation, the distance of the parent galaxy is
about 24 Mpc (80 million of light years).
Supernova 2000db
in the galaxy NGC 3949 is located at:
R.A. = 11h 53m 39s.75, Decl. = +47 degrees 51' 46".6 (equinox 2000),
which is 20" northwest of the center of the galaxy.
Supernova 2000fo
IAUC 7547
discovered Dec. 13.1, 2000 by
Found in PGC 70148
at R.A. = 22h58m25s.34, Decl. = +26o38'26".6
(N. Fukuhara finder chart)
Located 5".5 west and 5".8 north of the nucleus of
PGC 70148
(Discovery image
(local mirror))
(Odd Trondal image)
(Fred Ewalt image)
Mag 16.5*, Type Ia
(CfA spectrum)
(References: IAUC 7557; vsnet-id-sn 22)
Supernova 2000cr,
IAUC 7443 discovered June 25.9, 2000 by Marco
Migliardi and A. Dimai (CROSS)
Found in NGC 5395 at R.A. = 13h58m38s.37, Decl. = +37o26'12".9
Located 4".2 east and 45".2 north of the nucleus of NGC 5395
Mag 16.3 (7/12:15.9), Type Ic (References: IAUC 7444, IAUC 7466)
Supernova 2001c,
IAUC 7555 discovered Jan 4.09, 2001 by
Tim Puckett and
A. Sehgal
Found in PGC 19975
at R.A. = 6h59m36s.10, Decl. = +59o31'01".6
(N. Fukuhara finder chart)
Located 14".7 east and 5".7 south of the center of
PGC 19975
(Discovery image)
Mag 14.7 (1/11:14.4), Type Ia
(References: IAUC 7563)
Supernova 2001g,
IAUC 7560 discovered Jan 8.051, 2001 by Mark Armstrong
Found in MCG +08-17-43 at R.A. = 9h09m33s.18, Decl. = +50o16'51".3 (N. Fukuhara finder chart)
Located 2" east and 4" south of the center of MCG +08-17-43.
Supernova 2001p,
IAUC 7576
discovered Jan. 31.4, 2001 by
Found in NGC 3947
at R.A. = 11h53m21s.56, Decl. = +20o44'53".3
(N. Fukuhara finder chart)
Located 17".2 east and 13".1 south of the nucleus of
NGC 3947
(Discovery image)
(Rafael Ferrando image)
Mag 17.5 and falling, Type Ia
(References: vsnet-alert 5646, alert 5647, id-sn 36, alert 5648;
SN 1972C)
Supernova 2001v,
IAUC 7585
discovered Feb. 19.39, 2001 by
CfA Supernova group
Found in NGC 3987
at R.A. = 11h57m24s.93, Decl. = +25o12'09".0
(N. Fukuhara finder chart)
Located 52" east and 28" north of the nucleus of
NGC 3987
Mag 14.8 and rising, Type Ia
SN 2001V images sub-page
Supernova 2001x,
IAUC 7591 discovered Feb. 27.8, 2001 by BAO
Found in NGC 5921 at R.A. = 15h21m55s.46, Decl. = +5 03'43".1
Located 15".5 west and 32".4 south of the nucleus of NGC 5921
Mag 14.8, Type II (References: IAUC 7592)
Look at a DSS Photometry reference image made by Odd Trondal.
Icon created from Nick Suntzeff's image.
Supernova 2001ay (Type Ia),
IAUC 7611 discovered April 18.4, 2001 by LOTOSS
Found in IC 4423 at R.A. = 14h26m17s.00, Decl. = +26o14'55".8
(N. Fukuhara finder chart)
Located 10".3 west and 9".3 north of the nucleus of IC 4423
Mag 16.3 and rising, Type Ia (References: IAUC 7612)
Supernova 2001dl (Type unknown)
, IAUC 7675 discovered July 30.4, 2001 by LOTOSS
Found in UGC 11725 at R.A. = 21h21m01s.73, Decl. = +9 10'50".4
Located 1".8 west and 10".6 north of the nucleus of UGC 11725
(Discovery image) (Fred Ewalt image) (Odd Trondal image)
(Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 16.4 and rising, Type unknown (References: IAUC 7676)
Supernova 2001dp (Type Ia)
IAUC 7683 discovered Aug. 12.9, 2001 by CROSS
Found in NGC 3953 at R.A. = 11h53m45s.2, Decl. = +52o20'56".8
Located 34".8 west and 80".2 north of the nucleus of NGC 3953
(Discovery image) (Yasuo Sano image (local mirror))
Mag 14.4, Type Ia (Bisei Spectum) (Reference: vsnet-alert 6298, alert 6299)
Supernova 2001fa (Type IIn)
IAUC 7737 discovered Oct 18.4 2001 by LOTOSS
Found in NGC 673 at R.A. = 1h48m22s.22, Decl. = +11o31'34".4
Located 4".0 west and 17".5 north of the nucleus of NGC 673
(Discovery image) (JM Llapasset image)
Mag 16.2 and rising, Type IIn (CfA Spectrum) (References: SN 1996bo)
Supernova 2001ib (Type Ia with SiII line at 612nm)
IAUC 7768 discovered Dec. 7.786 2001 by Mark Armstrong; R. Arbour
Found in NGC 7242 at R.A. = 22h15m38s.72, Decl. = +37o17'56".0
Located 9"-10" west and 1" north of the center of NGC 7242
Mag 15.4.
Supernova 2002an (Type unknown),
Found in NGC 2575 at R.A. = 08h22m47s.76s, Decl. = +24o17'41".7
Located 7".4 south and 38".3 east of the nucleus of NGC 2575
(Discovery image (local mirror))
Mag 15.5, Type unknown (References: IAUC 7808)
SN 2002an images sub-page.
Supernova 2002ap (Type Ib/c-pec),
IAUC 7810 discovered Jan 29.4 2002 by Yoji Hirose
Found in M74 at R.A. = 1h36m23s.87, Decl. = +15o45'13".0 (AAVSO finder chart)
(Reinder Bouma finder chart)
Located 258" west and 108" south of the center of NGC 628 (= M74) (Yasuo Sano image)
Mag 13.3 and rising, Type Ib/c-pec (Hypernova?) (References: IAUC 7811)
Supernova 2002bo (Type Ia),
IAUC 7847 discovered March 9.08, 2002 by
Paulo Cacella; Yoji Hirose
Found in NGC 3190 at R.A. = 10h18m06.52s, Decl. = +21d49m41s.2
Located 11".6 east and 14".2 south of the center of NGC 3190 (Discovery image)
(Remanzacco obs image) (Anton Spenko image) (Josch Hambsch image) (CROSS image)
Mag 14.6 and rising, Type Ia (CfA spectrum) (References: IAUC 7848, 7849))
2002cr, IAUC 7890 discovered May 1.701, 2002 by Reiki Kushida
Found in NGC 5468 at R.A. = 14h06m37s.59, Decl. = -5 26'21".9
Located 41" east and 50" north of the center of NGC 5468
Mag 14.6 and rising, Type Ia (References: IAUC 7891; SN 1999cp).
2002fk, IAUC 7973 discovered 2002/09/15.84 by R. Kushida; BAO
Found in NGC 1309 at R.A. = 3h22m05s.71, Decl. = -15°24'03".2
Located 12" west and 3".5 south of the center of NGC 1309
Mag 13.3 (9/24:13.2), Type Ia (References: IAUC 7976).
2003G, IAUC 8045 discovered 2003/01/08.2 by LOTOSS
Found in IC 208 at R.A. = 02h08m28s.13, Decl. = +06°23'51".9
Located 6".0 east and 9".8 north of the nucleus of IC 208
Mag 14.4 (2/4:14.4), Type IIn.
Supernova type criteria |
No Balmer Lines Type I |
Balmer Lines Type II |
Si II 6150 |
No Si |
Plateau |
Linear |
He I 5876 |
Weak He |
then linear |
Ia |
Ib |
Ic |
What is a Supernova ?

Comparison between two Spectra curves of supernova
(SN2001V and SN2001G, type Ia supernova). Curves are very
similar (stronga absorbtion at Si II 615 nm (6150 A),
H no Balmer Lines).

Comparison between two light curves of Supernova
type I and II.
Number of visits
Secondary school
Gimnazija Šentvid-Ljubljana (astronomical group):
Štihova 6
1113 Ljubljana
tel. (01) 2324 563
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