ASTRONOMSKI KROŽEK Gimnazije Šentvid, Zanimivosti, 250 let Jurija Vege
Stran se bo dopolnjevala v okviru razpoložljivega
časa. Za vse morebitne napake in nerodnosti se že v naprej opravičujem.
Vreme "v vesolju" 1
Vreme "v vesolju" 2
- Vegovi dnevi 2004,
ob dvestopetdeseti obletnici rojstva barona Jurija Vege,
matematika, posredno tudi astronoma, artilerijskega častnika in balistika.

Baron Jurij Vega (1754 - 1802)
V ponedeljek 22.3.2004 ob 20. uri in 30. minut smo
se trije člani udeležili
odkritja spominske plošče Jurija Vege, avtorja Janeza Pirnata,
na Levstikovem trgu, Ljubljana.
Malo samokritike.
Na Luni so prej po njemu (Vegi) poimenovali
krater, kot je dobil v Ljubljani spomenik. Slovenci smo res, kaj že!?
Glej tudi "Vegovi dnevi 2004".
Oglej si karto Lune s
kraterjem Vega.
Oglej si bankovec za 50 TOLARJEV.
Preberi Vegov življenjepis in delo
iz (
Preberi članek Vega in mase planetov (Janez S.).
Oglej si začasno stran ADV.
Podatki iz:
Vega 45.4S 63.4E 75
Jurij Vega, or Georg Freiherr von ~ (1756-1802), Slovenian mathematician,
author, military commander and educator; educated in Vienna, Vega is best
remembered for his tables of logarithms and trigonometric functions.
The Slovenian 50 tolar bank note bears his portrait.
Podatki o vegi iz
The parents of Jurij Vega (Georg is the German version of his name)were poor farmers,
his father dying when Jurij was 6 years old. He attended school in Ljubljana until the
age of 19 when he became a navigational engineer. He entered military service in 1780
as professor of mathematics at the Artillery School in Vienna. He was a talented teacher
and writer, with a great skill as a calculator.
Vega wrote on artillery but he is best remembered for his tables of logarithms and
trigonometric functions. His seven figure log tables were based on those of Vlacq and
were famed for their accuracy. The calculations were done with the help of soldiers
who were given a gold ducat for every mistake they found. His first book of logarithms
appeared in 1783. The tables Thesaurus logarithmorum completus appeared in 1794 and the
90th edition appeared in 1924.
Vega wrote a four volume textbook Vorlesungen über die Mathematik
(1782, 1784, 1788, 1800). This book also contains trigonometric tables.
Vega calculated p to 140 places, a record which stood for over 50 years.
This appears in a paper which he published in 1789.
As a military man Vega was involved in several wars. In 1788 he fought against
the Turks at a battle near Belgrade commanding gun positions. He also fought
against the French at many battles in this time of revolution and wars in Europe.
In September 1802 Jurij Vega was reported missing. A search was unsuccessful
until his body was found in the Danube near Vienna. The official cause of death
was an accident but many suspect that he was murdered.
The picture displayed is from a Slovenian 50 Tolar bank note issued in his
honour. A Slovenian stamp has also been issued to honour him.
Nekaj besed na temo
evropske rakete VEGA.
Baje "ima" prste vmes naš Jurij Vega, seveda kar se tiče imena rakete?
Zanimiv je tudi
starejši projekt imenovan Vega.
Za astronomski krožek: ZORKO Vičar
Nazaj na domačo stran.