LETOS - 2010 - PRAZNUJE DOMAČA STRAN AKGŠ 15 LET NEPREKINJENEGA DELOVANJA! Čestitke ali - zvezdi si ![]() Nekaj zanimivosti iz zgodovine strani! |
Sestava Lunine skorje po elementih kisik 41–46 % silicij 21 % magnezij 6 % železo 13 % kalcij 8 % aluminij 7 %
A) Teden od 4. do 10. oktobra, je svetovni teden vesolja (http://www.worldspaceweek.org/). In ravno v tem tednu pričenjata DMFA Slovenije in Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko UL cikel poljudnih predavanj iz astronomije pod skupnim naslovom Sprehod v vesolje. Predavanja bodo vsak prvi četrtek v mesecu na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko, Jadranska 19, Ljubljana. Prvo predavanje bo v četrtek 7. oktobra ob 19h, ko bo o začetkih astronomije predaval prof. dr. Tomaž Zwitter. B) Društvo Temno nebo Slovenije vabi v četrtek, 7. oktobra ob 20:30 na opazovanje Jupitra in predstavitev problematike svetlobnega onesnaženja, ki bo v Ljubljani na športnem igrišču pred študentskimi domovi v Rožni dolini. C) V petek, 8. oktobra ob 18h bo na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko dr. Thomas Posch predstavil knjigo "Konec noči" ("Das Ende der Nacht"). Predstavitev bo v angleškem jeziku. MLA2009
Professional Development Workshop Natural Sciences & eTwinning Venue: Ptuj, Gimnazija Ptuj, Slovenia 24th to 26th September 2010 Programme Friday, 24th September 15:45 Meeting at hotel lobby, departure to PDW venue 16:00 – 17:00 Registration 17:00 – 18:30 Setting up of the presentation stands 18:30 – 19:00 Opening addresses • Maja Mihelič Debeljak, director of CMEPIUS • dr. Štefan Čelan, Mayor of Ptuj Municipality • Melani Centrih, Headmaster of Gimnazija Ptuj 19:00 – 20:00 European fair - informal networking Presentation of projects and country specific food and drink Buffet dinner 20:00 – 21:00 Insight into Slovenian culture Saturday, 25th September 8:50 – 10:20 Plenary session • Borut Čampelj, Representative of Ministry of Education and Sport • Maja Mihelič Debeljak, director of CMEPIUS • Christina Crawley, Christina Crawley, European Schoolnet, eTwinning CSS • The future of computer and information technologies in the coming decades, Dr. Saša Divjak, Faculty of computer and information science (University of Ljubljana) 10:20 – 10:45 Coffee break 10:45 – 11:15 E-competent schools, Nives Kreuh, representative of The National Educational Institute 11:15 – 11:45 Value added class work with on-line projects (presentation of good practices), Breda Poličar, Lorena Mihelač in Tatjana Gulič, E-school project 11:45 – 12:30 Lunch and networking 12:30 – 14:00 Parallel workshops I A: Intercultural communication & eTwinning, James Chamberlain, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University B: European peer learning! The role of social games in relation-building process among pupils, Romina Plešec, Vrhovci primary school C: Discovering eTwinning portal, Christina Crawley, European Schoolnet, eTwinning CSS D: “Evil” Physics, dr. Aleš Mohorič, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, (University of Ljubljana) E: “Naughty” Astronomy, Gymnasium Šentvid F: Interactive whiteboard & Natural science subjects, Urška Bučar, Tomaz Miholič, Amela Sambolič-Beganović, Viljenka Šavli, E-school project 14:00 – 14:30 Coffee break and networking 14:30 – 16:00 Parallel workshops II A: Intercultural communication & eTwinning, James Chamberlain, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University B: European peer learning! The role of social games in relation-building process among pupils, Romina Plešec, Vrhovci primary school C: Discovering eTwinning portal, Christina Crawley, European Schoolnet, eTwinning CSS D: “Evil” Physics, dr. Aleš Mohorič, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, (University of Ljubljana) E: “Naughty” Astronomy, Gymnasium Šentvid F: Interactive whiteboard & Natural science subjects, Urška Bučar, Tomaz Miholič, Amela Sambolič-Beganović, Viljenka Šavli, E-school project 16:30 – 21:00 Sightseeing (The oldest Slovenian wine cellar and the city of Ptuj) & Dinner Sunday, 26th September 10:00 – 10:15 Morning meeting 10:15 – 11:45 Parallel workshops III A: Intercultural communication & eTwinning, James Chamberlain, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University B: European peer learning! The role of social games in relation-building process among pupils, Romina Plešec, Vrhovci primary school C: Discovering eTwinning portal, Christina Crawley, European Schoolnet, eTwinning CSS D: “Evil” Physics, dr. Aleš Mohorič, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, (University of Ljubljana) E: “Naughty” Astronomy, Gymnasium Šentvid F: Interactive whiteboard & Natural science subjects, Urška Bučar, Tomaz Miholič, Amela Sambolič-Beganović, Viljenka Šavli, E-school project 11:45 – 12:00 Formal closure 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch 13:00 Departure
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International Year of Astronomy 2009
Certificate of Appreciation
awarded to
Astronomsko društvo Vega and Zorko Vičar
the International Astronomical Union (IAU)
in grateful recognition of their commitment and outstanding contribution to the success of
the International Year of Astronomy 2009 in
Presented on this 5th day of May 2010.
Robert Williams
IAU President
Catherine Cesarsky
IAU/IYA2009 Executive Committee Working Group Chair
Pedro Russo
International Year of Astronomy 2009 Global Coordinator
Editor-in-Chief CAPjournal
IAU C55: Comm. Astro. w/ Public Secretary
International Astronomical Union
http://www.eso.org/~prusso/ | www.astronomy2009.org | www.capjournal.org
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Rezultati pobude "Teleskop za vsako šolo"! Razpis MŠŠ je bil dokončno izveden s 30. septembrom 2009. Statistika pobude "Teleskop za vsako šolo" v %, MLA2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Št_kup_teleskopov st_šol izplen v % ----------------- ------ ----------- 406 449 90.4% osnovne šole 113 165 68.5% srednje šole 7 28 25.0% Zavodi za izo. otrok s pos. potre. ---- ---- ------ Skupaj 526 642 81.9% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Za astronomski krožek: ZORKO Vičar
E-POŠTA, RFC-822: Zorko.Vicar@guest.arnes.si